[An-lang] [An-Lang] John Wolff. 2001. The influence of Spanish on Tagalog (In Lo propio y lo ajeno en laslenguas austronésicas y amerindias)

Ekaterina Baklanova baklanova at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 14:09:12 UTC 2020

Dear colleagues, merry Christmas and happy New Year to all of you and your
families! May the new year be much kinder and safer to all of us, God bless

I'm looking for a copy of the following article, published in *Lo propio y
lo ajeno en las **lenguas austronésicas y amerindias, ed. by *Klaus
Zimmermann, and Thomas Stolz, 2001, pp.233–253:

Wolff, John. The influence of Spanish on Tagalog.

I've read the preprint many times, and now I'd like to quote an excerpt
properly, so I need to know the exact page of it. Could somebody help me
with getting a copy of the original publication?

Sincerely yours,

Ekaterina Baklanova

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