[An-lang] Malay/Indonesian onomatopoeic expressions

Robert Blust blust at hawaii.edu
Mon Jun 8 21:41:29 UTC 2020


Have you made anyi attempt to use the Austronesian Comparative Dictionary?
It is the largest resource on Austronesian languages in existence.

Try  www.trussel2.com/acd or Robert Blust, Austronesian Comparative
Dictionary.  If you have any questions, please ask.


Bob Blust

On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 9:19 PM Kratochvil Frantisek <
frantisek.kratochvil at upol.cz> wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> we are compiling a bibliography of the literature dealing with
> Malay/Indonesian words such as gonggong 'woof-woof', greng-greng-greng
> (motorcycle engine being revved up), detak 'sound of heartbeat', debur 'the
> sound of waves breaking'. In the literature these words are known under a
> number of labels (e.g. expressives, ideophones, phonaestemes, or
> onomatopoeia). Indonesian grammarians usually call them onomatope or tiruan
> bunyi.
> We are so far aware of the following sources and would very much
> appreciate additional references  you may know about or to know if anyone
> else is currently working on the topic. We will share the updated
> bibliography with you.
> With best wishes,
> František Kratochvíl and David Moeljadi
> Palacký University Olomouc
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