I'm forwarding this message to the list from someone who is not a
subscriber. Could anyone with an answer please write directly to Dr
Nikolaev at boyannikolaev@yahoo.com<br><br>
John Bowden<br><br>
Dear AN-LANG,<br><br>
In December I initiated a small discussion in the LINGUIST mail-list. Dr.
Fay Wouk of the <br>
Linguistics Department of the University of Auckland advised me to
consult you about the true etymology of bikini. Here is my initial
letter: <br>
<font face="Times New Roman, Times">I am working on an article about
neologisms. <br><br>
The word BIKINI, I think, was misinterpreted in 1946 as being Latin and
consisting of bi- (=two) + something unclear. So, in time it dropped its
bi- and became MONOKINI, even TANKKINI. <br><br>
Could anyone tell me what the real Polynesian (Marshallese) word means
and <br>
help me explain it not considering the Latin bi-? <br><br>
Best, <br>
Dr Boyan Nikolaev <br>