Wikipedia reports the 'factoid' that the name of the large island
Sulawesi in Indonesia comes from <i>sula </i>'island' + <i>besi
</i>'iron', owing to the iron exports for which it was at one time
famous. <br><br>
My question is, in what language does <i>sula </i>mean 'island'?
I've been looking hither and yon without success, and even the entry for
'island' in Tryon's <i>Comparative Austronesian Dictionary</i> provides
no clues. Google searches of course turn up the Sula Islands or
Sula Arcchipelago in North Maluku, but that doesn't get me any closer
etymology-wise. <br><br>
Thanks much,<br><br>
P.S. The etymology I had 'learned' years ago was that
Celebes/Sulawesi came from <i>sula </i>'fishing spear' (< Sanskrit) +
<i>besi </i>'iron'. I think I got this from Abendanon, but need to
recheck to make sure this indeed was my source. <br><br>
Abendanon, E. C. 1916–1918. Voyages géologiques et géographiques à
travers la Célèbes Centrale [Geological and geographical explorations
across Central Celebes]. 3 volumes. Leyde: E.J. Brill. [from pages
1391 and following (volume 3) contains a history of early mapping and
explorations of Celebes] </body>