ARABIC-L: LING: Arabic Dialectology

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Fri Feb 12 01:06:20 UTC 1999

Arabic-L: Thu 11 Feb 1999
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Tr: colloquial arabic

Date: 11 Feb 1999
From: Catherine Miller <miller at>
Subject: Tr: colloquial arabic

For your information there is an International Asociation of Arabic
Dialectology (AIDA) based in Paris since 1992. 3 Conferences took place in
Paris, Cambridge & Malta. There is also a newsletter which is for the time
being on stand by for various reason but if yo are interested I can send
you a copy of the 2cd issue which list a number of relevant publications
and address of authors.
You can join the AIDA by contacting D. Caubet at the following email address
<mailto:caubet at>caubet at  or by writing to D.
Caubet  INALCO 2 rue de LIlle 75343 Paris
The yearly subscriptio is 200 French Franc
Another conference should take place in Morroco around Spring 2000
Best regards
C. Miller

End of Arabic-L: 11 Feb 1999

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