ARABIC-L: LING: ACIDCA'2000 CFP & Exhibition

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Tue Jun 8 18:02:07 UTC 1999

Arabic-L: Tue 08 Jun 1999
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: ACIDCA'2000 Call For papers and Exhibition

Date: 08 Jun 1999
From: BELGUITH Lamia <L.Belguith at>
Subject: ACIDCA'2000 Call For papers and Exhibition


                  CALL FOR PAPERS & EXHIBITION

                    International Conference on
Artificial and Computational Intelligence for Decision, Control and
        Automation in Engineering and Industrial Applications


                Monastir (Tunisia), 22-24 March 2000

                         Organized by :
       Association for Innovation and Technology (Tunisia)
              University of Sfax (ENIS - FSEGS)

                          Sponsored by :
                            IEEE SMC

                         Co-Sponsored by :

                          Supported by :
            Tunisian State Secretariat of Scientific
                  Research and Technology(SERST)


Technological innovation is related to more than one scientific field.
Cooperation between researchers in different scientific fields and
industrials is nowadays inevitable. The International Conference on
Artificial and Computational Intelligence for Decision, Control and
Automation in Engineering and Industrial Applications (ACIDCA'2000) will
provide a forum for theoretician and practitioner researchers, industrials,
and academic experts to exchange ideas, share experiences, promote
technological products, and address the important issue of the applications
of advanced topics in computational intelligence, artificial intelligence,
decision, control, and automation in engineering and industrial systems.
ACIDCA'2000 will include exhibits and demonstrations of real-world
applications and will be a job fair by matching up applicants with
employment opportunities.

ACIDCA'2000 will be organized into seven thematic technical sessions
focusing on theory, implementation and applications. ACIDCA'2000 will also
include invited plenary speeches on selected advanced aspects given by
experts in the specific state-of-the art subject areas. Invited special
talks on major topics by eminent speakers will be included in the technical
sessions. There will be tutorial sessions on March 21. Detailed information
on the sessions along with tutorial abstracts will be available at
ACIDCA'2000 web site as soon as they are finalized.

The exhibition will be held in parallel with ACIDCA'2000. All delegates and
guests will have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the technical
characteristics, performances, and details concerning the function and
applications of the products and display. Exhibitors who wish to participate
in the exhibition are requested to send application forms (available on the
web site of the conference) to the Secretariat of ACIDCA'2000 no later than
October 15, 1999.

The working language of ACIDCA'2000 is English.


1) Intelligent Methods :
Computational Intelligence, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic
Algorithms, Evolutionary Computation, Hybrid Systems, Learning Algorithms,
Heuristic Searching, Intelligent Agents, Cooperative Knowledge-based
Systems, Expert Systems, Machine Learning, Knowledge Representation,
Distributed AI and Multi-Agents, Computer-aided Reading, Data Analysis and
Modeling, Data Fusion and Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Prediction & Time
Series Analysis, Information Retrieval, Intelligent User Interface.

2) Methods and Heuristics for Decision Making :
Intelligent Databases, Information Systems, Case-based Reasoning, Decision
Support Systems, GDSS, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Qualitative and
Approximate-Reasoning Modeling, Meta-heuristics for Optimization, Decision
Theory, Game Theory, Discrete Simulation.

3) Software Engineering :
Requirement Engineering, Software Specification Techniques, Software Design
Techniques, Software Architecture, Design Patterns, Refinement and Analysis
Techniques, Formal Development Techniques, Software Prototyping, Software
Implementation Techniques, Software Validation, Verification and Testing,
Model Checking, Software Quality Assurance, Software Maintenance, Software
Process Model (Life Cycles), Computer-Aided Software Engineering, Software
Development Environments, Software Reuse, Reverse Engineering,
Object-Oriented Design, Software Engineering for and over the Internet,
Distributed Systems, Multi-agent Systems.

4) Corpora and Natural Language Processing :
Lexicography, Lexical knowledge acquisition, Part of Speech Tagging, Unknown
word guessing, Term recognition, Morphological Analysis, Robust Parsing,
Word Sense Disambiguation, Anaphora Resolution, Discourse segmentation,
Machine Translation, Agreement Error Correction, Spelling and Grammar
Correction, Information Extraction, Automatic Abstracting, Text
Categorisation, Speech processing, Multilingual corpora and multilingual
applications,  Corpus annotation, Evaluation.

5) Engineering and Industrial Applications :
Industrial Process Control, Real-time Systems, Discrete Event Systems, Petri
Nets, Robotics, Mechanical System Control, Mechatronics, Electric Machine
Design, Variable Speed Drives, Automotive Electrical Systems, Power System
Control, Renewable Energy Systems, Environment Engineering Systems, Chemical
and Biotechnical Process Control, Irrigation Systems Control, Intelligent
Sensors and Virtual Measurements, VLSI, Hardware Implementation,
Communication Systems, Multimedia Systems, Intelligent Manufacturing and
Production Systems, Production Management, Planning and Scheduling, Quality
Control, CIM.

6) Systems Analysis and Automatic Control :
System Identification, Modeling, Model Reduction, Filtering and Signal
Processing, Optimal and Robust Control, Adaptive and Predictive Control,
Pole Placement Control, Multivariable and Decentralized Control, Sliding
Mode Control, Fuzzy Control, Neural Control, Computer Control, Computer
Aided Control System, Fault Detection and Diagnostic, Expert and Knowledge
Based Systems, Nonlinear Systems, Stochastic Systems, Time Varying Systems,
Large-scale Systems.

7) Vision & Pattern Recognition :
Pattern Recognition : Clustering and Classification, Handwriting Recognition
and Verification : Cursive Script Recognition, Characters and Digits, Words,
Signature, Graphics and Symbol Recognition : Engineering Drawings, Maps,
Logo Types, Document Processing : Layout Analysis, Segmentation and
Labeling, Language Identification, Document Structure Analysis and Modeling,
Signal and Image Processing : Thresholding, Thinning, Noise Removal,
Segmentation, Vision and Image Understanding, Fractals, Speech Recognition,
Signal Compression and Transmission, Application Systems : Bank-Check
Processing, Business Forms Reading, Postal Automation, Number Plate
Recognition, Storage and Information Retrieval : Video Images, Compression
Algorithms, Multimedia and Hypertext, Text Retrieval and Document Model.

M. Ben Ahmed (TN), G. Dabbeche (TN), L.A. Zadeh (USA)

A. M. Alimi (TN), L. Belguith Hadrich (TN), A. Ben Hamadou (TN)


1) Thematic Session on Intelligent Methods
Chairs : R. Braham (TN), M. Mohammadian (AUS)
Members : H. Adeli (USA), O. Castillo (MEX), D. Dubois (F), H. Farreny (F),
L. Foulloy (F), T. Fukuda (J), P. Glize (F), D. Goldberg (USA), H.
Hyotyniemi (FI), F. Karray (CDN), T.D. Pham (AUS), A. Rebai (TN), D.
Rutkowska (PL), A. Sattar (AUS), J.L. Soubie (F), R.J. Stonier (AUS), S.
Vassilyev (RU), J. Virbel (F), K. Warwick (UK), X. Yao (UK)

2) Thematic Session on Methods and Heuristics for Decision Making
Chair : F. Ben Abdelaziz (TN)
Members : H. Artiba (B), S. Ben Abdallah (TN), M. Bettaz (DZ), F. Badran
(F), P. Borne (F), J. Climaco (P), Y. Gadhoum (CDN), K. Ghoudi (CDN), M.
Haouari (TN), O. Ibrahim (KWI), M. Itmi (F), J.Y. Jaffray (F), O. Laritchev
(RU), M. Maouch (DZ), J.M. Martel (CDN), K. Mellouli (TN), H. Merza (KWI),
R. Mhallah (TN), J.C. Pomerol (F), B. Raggad (USA), M. Roubens (B), C.
Roucairol (F), B. Roy (F), P. Smets (B), R.E. Steuer (USA), E. Talbi (F), M.
Tamiz (UK), J. Teghem (B)

3) Thematic Session on Software Engineering
Chairs : F. Kamoun (TN), P. Pepper (D)
Members : K. Barkaoui (F), A. Belguith (TN), N. Belkhiter (CDN), H. Ben
Ghezala (TN), R. Bouaziz (TN), M. Broy (D), S. Castano (I), A. Cherif (J),
K. Drira (F), C.F. Ducateau (F), S. Jahnichen (D), A. Jaoua (SA), D.
McGregor (USA), A. Mili (USA), M. Picavet (F), S. Sahraoui (BH), P. Srimani

4) Thematic Session on Corpora and NLP
Chair : R. Mitkov (UK)
Members : R. Basili (I), P. Blache (F), C. Boitet (F), R. Bruce (USA), J.-P.
Chanod (F), F. Debili (TN), J.-P. Descles (F), J. Dichy (F), E. Ditters
(NL), E. Gaussier (F), U. Hahn (D), N. Ide (USA), G. Lallich (F), C. Mankai
(TN), T. McEnery (UK), J.-G. Meunier (CDN), A. Mikheev (UK), J.L. Minel (F),
S. Piperidis (GR), H. Rodriguez (E), M. Rosner (MLT), M. Rolbert (F), P.
Seuren (NL), H. Somers (UK), K.-Y. Su (TAI), I. Trancoso (POR), E.
Tzoukermann (USA), A. Voutilainen (FI)

5) Thematic Session on Engineering and Industrial Applications
Chairs : N. Derbel (TN), A. Elantably (USA)
Members : M. Abid (TN), M. Annabi (TN), I. Belkhoja (TN), N. Benhadj Braiek
(TN), S. Belguith (TN), A. Bouallegue (TN), R. Dhifaoui (TN), A. Dhouib
(TN), M. Gabbouj (FI), F. Ghorbel (USA), T. Hadhri (TN), M. Jaïdane (TN), H.
Kallel (TN), L. Kamoun (TN), M.B.A. Kamoun (TN), M. Karkoub (KWI), R. Le
Doeuff (F), S. Lejmi (USA), A. Maalej (TN), K. Najim (F), M. Poloujadoff
(F), A.S. Poznyak (MEX), M. Sawan (CDN), S. Siala (F), J.A. Tegopoulos (GR),
R. Tourki (TN)

6) Thematic Session on Systems Analysis and Automatic Control
Chairs : M.B.T. Kamoun (TN), A. Titli (F)
Members : J. Aguilar-Martin (F), R. Ben Abdennour (TN), A. Benhammou (MA),
J. Bernussou (F), J.-L. Calvet (F), B. Dahhou (F), G. Enea (F), G. Favier
(F), F.G. Filip (R), Z. Gajic (USA) , G. Garcia (F), C.J. Harris (UK), M.
Ksouri (TN), P. Millot (F), M. Najim (F), A. Ouali (TN), J. Quevedo (E),
P.D. Roberts (UK), A. Toumi (TN), H.-R. Trankler (D)

7) Thematic Session on Vision & Pattern Recognition
Chairs : M. Cheriet (CDN), F. Ghorbel (TN)
Members : A. Amin (AUS), A. Belaid (F), F. Bouslama (J), N. Ellouze (TN), A.
Ennaji (F), M. Gilloux (F), M. Leard (F), E. Lecolinet (F), Y. Lecourtier
(F), C.G. Leedham (SGP), W. Li (PRC), G. Lorette (F), F. Merazka (DZ), C.
Olivier (F), E.H. Ruspini (USA), S. Srihari (USA), G. Stamon (F), C.Y. Suen

Chairs : W. Gargouri (TN), A. Masmoudi (TN)
Members : H. Abdelkafi (TN), C. Aloulou (TN), N. Ben Amara (TN), M. Ben
Jemaa (TN), H. Bouchhima (TN), M. Chtourou (TN), F. Gargouri (TN), A. Hadj
Kacem (TN), M. Jaoua (TN), M. Jmaiel (TN), A. Kamoun (TN), O. Mazhoud (TN),
H. Miled (TN), F. Mouria Beji (TN), H. Trabelsi (TN)

Chairs : F. Ghorbel (USA), F. Karray (CDN)
Members : F. Bouslama (J), A. Cherif (J), F. Derbel (D), O. Kanoun (D), S.
Kanoun (F), M. Karkoub (KWI), M.A. Khabou (USA), S. Lejmi (USA), C. Olivier
(F), T. Ouerfelli (F), S. Sahraoui (BH), I. Timimi (F)

Selected papers, in extended form, will be considered for publication in
edited books and eventually in international journals. ACIDCA'2000 will
offer best paper awards in three categories : Best Paper, Best Poster Paper
and Best Student Paper.

** Conference Schedule
Paper Submission Due                                  01 October 1999
Notification of Acceptance                            10 December 1999
Receipt of Camera-ready Paper and Registration Fees   10 January 2000

** Exhibition Schedule
Application Form Due                                  15 October 1999
Receipt of Registration Fees                          15 January 2000

Authors are requested to send four copies of full papers, written in English
and not exceeding ten pages including figures, tables and references, to
ACIDCA'2000 SECRETARIAT (please see the address below). Papers should be
prepared on A4 or 8.5" x 11" (Letter size) paper with 2.5 cm (1") margins on
all sides, simple-column format, in Times or similar style, 12 points.
Papers must be written on one side of the sheets and they should include
title, author's name(s) and affiliation(s) on top of the first page followed
by an abstract. Fax or e-mail submissions are not acceptable. Please
indicate corresponding authors with the e-mail addresses if available.
Papers should be accompanied with a submission letter indicating the
conference thematic session and four keywords covering the main paper
In addition, a 200-word (or so) abstract of the paper and a list of keywords
should be emailed as plain text to : acidca2000-oc at Please
indicate the thematic session in the subject of the message.

ACIDCA'2000 conference registration fee will be announced on the web as soon
as possible. ACIDCA'2000 exhibition registration fee is estimated to US$ 140
per m² for those companies who wish to design and build their own stand, and
US$ 195 per m² for package stands. A single room in a four-star hotel will
cost around 50$.

Monastir is located at 165 km south-east of Tunis, 24 km east of Sousse, and
80 km east of Kairouan. Monastir is served by the Skanes-Monastir
International Airport, an excellent road network, a Railway service
connecting Monastir to Sousse, beautiful wide avenues surrounded by
extensive parks as well as an impressive university. In Monastir there is no
shortage of pleasures : vast stretches of golden beaches, breathtaking
views, inland scenery of fascinating beauty and a thousand contrasts, a land
of lushness and genuine local hospitality. Hotels are plentiful, often
luxurious and always well located and well equipped. For more touristic
information, please visit : or contact :
info at

ADDRESS : Centre Postal Maghreb Arabe, BP 120, 3049 Sfax, Tunisia
TEL :     +216-4-279-154 (# 109)
FAX :     +216-4-296-229
E-MAIL :  acidca2000-oc at

End of Arabic-L: 08 Jun 1999

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