ARABIC-L: GEN: Persian Job Opportunity

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Fri Mar 5 20:15:19 UTC 1999

Arabic-L: Fri 05 Mar 1999
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Persian job opportunity

Date: 05 Mar 1999
From: "Buckwalter, Tim" <TimB at alpinemedia.COM>
Subject: Persian job opportunity

I'm posting the following as a favor for someone who is not on the list.
Sorry, I know this isn't Arabic, but I know of no Persian-L out there.
Please reply directly to Jennifer, not me.

Tim Buckwalter

I am looking for an experienced, high-level (expert-level) Persian
translator.  The job needed includes the translation of 10 general news
articles and a concordance of Persian words from the same 10 articles.

I can be reached at:

Jennifer Doyon
doyon_jennifer at
(703) 556-3051 - phone
(703) 556-1174 - fax

End of Arabic-L: 05 Mar 1999

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