Arabic-L:PEDA:Business Arabic response

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Thu Sep 21 18:42:17 UTC 2000

Arabic-L: Thu 21 Sep 2000
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Business Arabic response

Date: 21 Sep 2000
From: Mutarjm at
Subject: Business Arabic response

[moderator's note: sorry to be so late with this one.  I temporarily lost
the message.]

Greetings / tahaiya tayyioba wa b3ad...

Yaa halla biljamii3...

There are several Arabic guidebooks (daliilak li...) that are specifically
about business correspondence (heavy on format letters for most occasions).
Most are commercial paperbacks, plus a few recent titles from Jordan. I
have used some in my commercial and technical translation projects (and
spotted / avoided a few that were clunkers).

I'll check my lists and post citations of some suitable materials.

The Universty of Michigan (UMI) Press may still have the college course
textbook on Business Arabic by Professor Rajhi Ramnuny (aplogies for any
misspelling) in stock. That UMI textbook, IIRC, focusses more on
translating and comprehension than on composition.

Back to the list about this subject soon, in sha' Allah.

Regards from Los Angeles,

Stephen H. Franke

End of Arabic-L: 21 Sep 2000

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