Arabic-L:LING:New Paper

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Fri Sep 29 15:57:10 UTC 2000

Arabic-L: Fri 29 Sep 2000
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: New Paper

Date: 29 Sep 2000
From: moderator
Subject: New Paper

Computational Linguistics

Volume 26 Issue 1
                             March 2000

                             Pages 77-105

                             Multi-Tiered Nonlinear Morphology Using
                             Multi-Tape Finite Automata: A Case Study
                             on Syriac and Arabic

                             By George Anton Kiraz

                             This paper presents a computational model for
                             morphology with illustrations from Syriac and
Arabic. The
                             model is a multitiered one in that it allows
for multiple text
                             lexical representations corresponding to the
multiple tiers of
                             autosegmental phonology. The model consists of
three main
                             components: (i) a lexicon, which is made of
sublexica, with
                             each sublexicon representing lexical material
from a specific
                             tier, (ii) a rewrite rules component that maps
multiple lexical
                             representations into one surface form and vice
versa, and (iii) a
                             morphotactic component that employs regular
grammars. The
                             system is finite-state in that lexica and
rules can be
                             represented by multitape finite-state machines.

End of Arabic-L: 29 Sep 2000

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