Arabic-L:GEN:HTML package responses

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Mon Apr 29 22:26:04 UTC 2002

Arabic-L: Mon 29 Apr 2002
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:HTML package response
2) Subject:HTML package response

Date:  29 Apr 2002
From:Mutarjm at
Subject:HTML package response

Dear Dil,

Hiyaakum Allah jamii3aan...3saakum tayyibiin...

Get MS FrontPage XP (2002). That multilanguage product supports Arabic
HTML. Paul Nelson at Microsoft posted a similar advisory a few days ago,

HTH. Khair, in sha' Allah.
Regards from Los Angeles,
Stephen H. Franke

Date:  29 Apr 2002
From:ArabLDS <ArabLDS at>
Subject:HTML package response

I have not had the time to fully check out the ins and outs yet, but my
initial experimentation with Microsoft Frontpage 2002 (running on a
2000 machine with Arabic keyboard installed) confirms what I had heard
before: that it is fully Arabic enabled.  I haven't used NasherNet, so I
can't comment, but I waited a long time to see if Frontpage 2002 would
really be the version that incorporated Arabic as several people had
told me
it would be, and it seems to be.

Jamal Qureshi
Date:  29 Apr 2002
From:info at
Subject:HTML package response

Dear colleague,=20
Unfortunately, there aren't many programs that can handle Arabic and =
HTML together. For my projects, I use MS Word XP (2000 does this as =
well) und export the pages as HTML; afterwards, I build the site using =
Macromedia's HomeSite und the usual graphic tools and insert the =
Word-made text snippets at the appropriate places. The output is not
bad =
as a whole (see for example.). On the
other =
hand, there is Frontpage 2002 which can handle Arabic quite well (with
a =
few bugs), but this is really not a program I'd like to recommend for =
professional use.
Best wishes, anyway; and tell me if you find something, will you?
Jan M. Zenker Language & Web
D-06556 ARTERN  Germany
Tel +49 3466 321899 Fax 740737=20
mail: info at

End of Arabic-L:  29 Apr 2002

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