Arabic-L:PEDA:Translation programs

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Mon Dec 30 22:48:55 UTC 2002

Arabic-L: Mon 30 Dec 2002
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Translation programs in ME Universities
2) Subject:Translation programs at Binghamton
3) Subject:Translation e-mail list

Date:  30 Dec 2002
From:Mutarjm at
Subject:Translation programs in ME Universities

FWIW, several of the national universities in Saudi Arabia offer BA
programs in translation Arabic <-> multiple TLs.
The oldest and apparently largest program of offerings in different
pairs is at the College of European Languages and Translation (CELT) of
King Saud University in Riyadh (BTW, CELT has an interesting history -
if not a saga - of birth and growth by US-educated Saudis). When I
visited and lectured there in 1991-1991, the CELT program had some
"foreign students" from Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea and Muaritania.
The next largest is at King Abdulaziz U in Jeddah. Probably similar
programs (but fewer students) in translation at King Fahd U. of
Petroleum and Mineral in al-Dhahran.
I understand that the new network (three campuses, may be four by now)
of community colleges in SA include heavy course work in English <->
Arabic translation and may lead to a professional certificate /
academic program transferable to one of the larger universities.
The UAE University in Al-Ain, Abu Dhabi was/is considering an degree
program in English <-> Arabic translation to develop bilingual job
skills in Emiratis who would have dual majors in some technology or
engineering field in which the principal language was English.
Same situation and programs may exist in the impressive multi-campus
Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) system in UAE. I don't know about
what's in place or planned at Zayed University, American U of Sharjah,
and the other tertiary institutions in UAE and Qatar (which is
reportedly blooming with US-accredited campuses).
Hope this helps. Khair, in sha' Allah.
Steve Franke

Date:  30 Dec 2002
From:Mutarjm at
Subject:Translation program at Binghamton

You may wish to check with the Translation Research and Instruction
at Binghamton University.  They may offer a Certificate in

Date:  30 Dec 2002
From: "Timothy A. Gregory" <tgregory at>
Subject: Translation e-mail list

Hey all,

As Jackie Murgida mentioned, one of the results of the Arabic sessions
this year's ATA conference was a mailing list for translators and
interpreters of Middle Eastern languages. She gave my hotmail address,
but I
do most of my correspondence through this address
(tgregory at

Anyone that interested in this topic is welcome to join, you can send
me an
email directly and I'll sign you up, or you can visit
and click on the link for mailing lists, then click "Time-L".

I think that we would all love to see this list take off and be active,
feel free pass the contact information around so we can get a nice group
together, and one thing I like to see is new members post a short
when they join telling a bit about themselves and so on...

Thanks for your interest!


Timothy A. Gregory            tgregory at
Arabic>English Translator
               Tarjema Translations

End of Arabic-L:  30 Dec 2002

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