Arabic-L:GEN:Needs sources on law/women in Middle East

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at
Thu Oct 2 22:21:50 UTC 2003

Arabic-L: Thu 02 Oct  2003
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Needs sources on law relating to women in Middle East

Date: 02 Oct  2003
Subject: Needs sources on law relating to women in Middle East

[I received the following from a law student at Duke University.  If
you have references you would like to send her, send them to me or to
the list and I will pass them along to her.]

I'm in law school at Duke University and am interested in researching
women's issues in the Middle East, the laws and customs, etc. Mainly:
honor killings, ritual female circumcision, equal rights, divorce,
domestic abuse, etc.

I was wondering if you could point me to sources of law for the Middle
East (mainly Tunisia, Egypt, and Jordan). Plus anything on customs, why
these practices continue, why women actively continue these
practices,... Also, my dad mentioned there are really two laws: the
written law, and the unwritten law that often overrides the written law.

If these things are not sanctioned in the Koran, is it an arab cultural

Thank you for your time!


Sarah Kline

End of Arabic-L:  02 Oct  2003

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