Arabic-L:PEDA:Wants Arabic Study advice

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at
Mon Jan 26 16:04:39 UTC 2004

Arabic-L: Mon 09 Jan  2004
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Wants Arabic Study advice

Date: 09 Jan 2004
From:Jeffery.Thorson at
Subject:Wants Arabic Study advice

I am open to any suggests any member of this list server has with
regards to the first year of intensive Arabic education for the novice:

*	The director of the National Foreign Language Center said Middlebury
College and the Univ. of Pennsylvania both have good 9-week summer

*	I just learned that Middlebury's summer program is extremely
competitive (numerous FBI, CIA applicants) -- and may not be taking
more students for summer '04. The coordinator in PA said the university
may not even offer Arabic again this summer.

Do you know of anything else worth looking into? I'm planning on
leaving government to study full time on my own dime. Feel free to
email me at thorsoni at or call work hours at 202-305-1895.


End of Arabic-L:  09 Jan  2004

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