Arabic-L:GEN:Jerusalem Studies in Arabic & Islam

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at
Fri Mar 18 17:16:42 UTC 2005

Arabic-L: Fri 18 Mar  2005
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Jerusalem Studies in Arabic & Islam

Date: 18 Mar  2005
From:msyfried at
Subject:Jerusalem Studies in Arabic & Islam

                 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

               The Institute of Asian and African Studies
                The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation

                 is pleased to announce the publication of

                 Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam

                            vol. 29(2004), 466 pp.


Table of Contents:

A. Levin and Y. Friedmann, Professor Moshe Piamenta
Moshe Piamenta - Bibliography
A. Levin, The status of the science of grammar among Islamic sciences
S. Hopkins, Kashkasha
J. Blau, On the structural autonomy of neo-Arabic features as against
	classical ones
I. Ferrando, Andalusi Arabic in its linguistic settings
J. Lentin, Documents sur l'arabe a Chypre au 17eme siecle
T. Zewi, Grammatical agreement in Saadya Gaon's translation of the
Y. Peled, Accusatival subjects in Arabic non-transitive constructions
	the unaccusative hypothesis
W. Arnold, Homonymenfurcht in den arabischen Dialekten Antiochiens
A. Geva-Kleinberger, Memoirs of the sea of Galilee. A text in the Arabic
	dialect of the Jews of Tiberias
O. Jastrow, The Arabic dialects of the Mutallat (Central Israel)
O. Kapeliuk, Iranian and Turkic structural interference in Arabic and
	Aramaic dialects
H. Palva, Remarks on the Arabic dialec of the Hwetat tribe
R. Talmon, 19th century Palestinian Arabic: Western travellers'
G. Rosenbaum, Egyptian Arabic as a written language
P. Behnstedt, Bezuge zwischen maghrebinischen und jemenitischen
A. Maman, The Sefrou (Morocco) version of al-`ashar kalimat
A. Arazi, Periodisation, oralite et authenticite de la poesie arabe
I. Hasson, L'affiliation (di`wa) de Ziyad b. Abihi

REVIEWS by F.J. Aguirre Sadaba, H. Busse, A. Ghabin, J. Brockopp, and
D. Talmon-Heller

Special offer: Complete set of JSAI (29 volumes): $609 (special offers
for direct sales only, not through booksellers).
Each volume: $38. Postage and handling: $3.00 for the  first volume;
for  each additional volume.  Individuals  only may join the association
"From Jahiliyya to Islam".  Membership costs $54.  For their dues,
receive  two  volumes of JSAI  and a  30% discount  on all Schloessinger
Memorial Foundation  publications.

Cheques  payable  to the Schloessinger Memorial Foundation should be
to the Director of Publications,  The  Max  Schloessinger  Memorial
Foundation, Institute  of   Asian  and   African  Studies,   The  Hebrew
University,  Jerusalem 91905,  Israel.
Please note that we cannot accept Eurocheques or credit cards, but
personal and institutional cheques in your currency are accepted.
Inquiries: E-mail: msjsai at / Fax: +972- 2-588-3658

Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam
The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem 91905, Israel
Fax: +972-2-588-3658

End of Arabic-L:  18 Mar  2005

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