Arabic-L:PEDA:Handbook for Arabic Language Teaching

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Wed Sep 28 17:30:58 UTC 2005

Arabic-L: Wed 28 Sep 2005
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1) Subject:Handbook for Arabic Language Teaching

Date: 28 Sep 2005
From:kassem_wahba at
Subject:Handbook for Arabic Language Teaching

THE 21ST CENTURY (cloth)
Kassem M. Wahba (ed.), Zeinab Taha (ed.) and Liz
England (ed.)
Primary Subject:
Secondary Subject:


Page Count:

Publisher: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates


This landmark volume offers an introduction to the
field of teaching Arabic as a foreign or second
language. Recent growth in student numbers and the
demand for new and more diverse Arabic language
programs of instruction have created a need that has
outpaced the ability of teacher preparation programs
to provide sufficient numbers of well-qualified
professional teachers at the level of skill required.
Arabic language program administrators anticipate that
the increases in enrollment will continue into the
next decades. More resources and more varied materials
are seriously needed in Arabic teacher education and
training. The goal of this Handbook is to address that

The most significant feature of this volume is its
pioneer role in approaching the field of Arabic
language teaching from many different perspectives. It
offers readers the opportunity to consider the role,
status, and content of Arabic language teaching in the
world today. The Handbook is intended as a resource to
be used in building Arabic language and teacher
education programs and in guiding future academic
research. Thirty-four chapters authored by leaders in
the field are organized around nine themes:

  •  Background of Arabic Language Teaching;

  •  Contexts of Arabic Language Teaching;

  •  Communicative Competence in Arabic;

  •  The Learners;

  •  Assessment;

  •  Technology Applications;

  •  Curriculum Development, Design, and Models;

  •  Arabic Language Program Administration and
     Management; and

  •  Planning for the Future of Arabic Language
     and Teaching.

The Handbook for Arabic Language Teaching
Professionals in the 21st Century will benefit and be
welcomed by Arabic language teacher educators and
trainers, administrators, graduate students, and
scholars around the world. It is intended to create
dialogue among scholars and professionals in the field
and in related fields — dialogue that will contribute
to creating new models for curriculum and course
design, materials and assessment tools, and
ultimately, better instructional effectiveness for all
Arabic learners everywhere, in both Arabic-speaking
and non-Arabic speaking countries.

Table of Contents:

Contents: A.S. Badawi, Foreword. Preface. Part I:
Background. K. Versteegh, History of Arabic Language
Teaching. K.C. Ryding, Teaching Arabic in the United
States. S. Gass, Models of Second Language
Acquisition. P. Stevens, Is Spanish Really So Easy? Is
Arabic Really So Hard?: Perceived Difficulty in
Learning Arabic as a Second Language. Part II:
Contexts of Arabic Language Teaching. M. Nahla, Egypt:
Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers in Alexandria
University. M.H. Amara, Israel: Teaching Arabic in
Israel. S. Hee-man, F. El-khazendar, South Korea:
Teaching Arabic in Korea. J. Dickens, J. Watson,
Britain and Ireland: Arabic Teaching in Britain and
Ireland. N. Anghelescu, Rumania: The Arabic Language
at the University of Bucharest. Part III:
Communicative Competence in Arabic. D. Wilmsen, What
is Communicative Arabic? K. Wahba, Arabic Language Use
and the Educated Language User. M. Younes, Integrating
the Vernacular with FuSHa in the
Arabic-as-a-Foreign-Language Classroom. Part IV: The
Learners. K. Belnap, A Profile of Students of Arabic
in U.S. Universities. R. El-Essawi, Arabic Language
Learners' Needs: Pedagogical, Cognitive, Affective,
and Social. Part V: Assessment. J. Eisele, Developing
Frames of Reference for Assessment and Curricular
Design in a Diglossic L2: From Skills to Tasks (and
Back Again). P. Winke, R. Aquil, Issues in Developing
Standardized Tests of Arabic Language Proficiency.
Part VI: Technology Applications. E. Ditters,
Technologies for Arabic Language Teaching and
Learning. V. Stevens, Learner Strategies at the
Interface: Computer-Assisted Language Learning. W.
Samy, Instructional Media and Learning Arabic. A.
Bäbler, Creative Interactive Web-Based Arabic Teaching
Materials With Authoring Systems. a-H.N. Madhany,
Teaching Arabic With Technology: Word Processing,
E-Mail, and the Internet. M. Van Mol, Arabic Receptive
Language Teaching: A New CALL Approach. Part VII:
Curriculum Development, Design and Models. M. Abdalla,
Arabic Immersion and Summer Programs in The United
States. M. Al-Batal, Playing With Words: Teaching
Vocabulary in the Arabic Curriculum. K. Brustad,
Reading Fluently in Arabic. Z.A. Taha, Towards
Pragmatic Competency in Arabic. J. Dickens,
Arabic/English Translation and Interpreting Teaching
in Britain. Part VIII: Arabic Language Program
Administration and Management. M. Sawaie,
International Arabic Language Programs. Part IX:
Planning for the Future of Arabic Language Learning
and Teaching. A. r-Rajhi, Planning for the Future of
Teaching Arabic: A View From the Arab World. M.
Al-Batal, K. Belnap, The Teaching and Learning of
Arabic in the United States: Realities, Needs, and
Future Directions. W.M. Martin, Marketing Arabic as a
Second/Foreign Language Program. M. Alosh, H.M.
ElKhafaifi, S-D. Hammoud, Professional Standards for
Teachers of Arabic. L. England, Methodology in Arabic
Language Teacher Education. Z. Ibrahim, J. Allam,
Arabic Learners and Heritage Students Redefined:
Present & Future.

End of Arabic-L:  28 Sep 2005

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