Arabic-L:PEDA:Gulf Arabic resources

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Thu Dec 6 15:57:26 UTC 2007

Arabic-L: Thu 06 Dec 2007
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Gulf Arabic resources
2) Subject:Gulf Arabic resources
3) Subject:Gulf Arabic resources

Date: 06 Dec 2007
From:Haroon Shirwani <arabictutor at>
Subject:Gulf Arabic resources

Hi Jonathan. Clive Holes' Colloquial Arabic of the Gulf sounds like  
just the thing for someone in your situation. It's quite dense in  
terms of linguistic jargon, and I would not recommend it to an  
absolute beginner, but I think you will really enjoy it. It certainly  
worked for me when I tried to make a shift from MSA to Gulf Colloquial.

(NB I have heard that the language used is sometimes eccentric or out  
of date as it is from a particular part of Bahrain that Prof Holes was  
in several years ago. Personally, I did not find this a problem.)



Date: 06 Dec 2007
From:"IBCBOOKS.COM" <ibc at>
Subject:Gulf Arabic resources

This is in response to the inquiry for "Gulf Arabic"  we can provide the
follow textbooks:
Basic Course in Gulf  Arabic by Hamdi Aqfisheh . Spoken Saudi Arabic  
by Van
Advanced Gulf Arabic. Please see details on our website:

Date: 06 Dec 2007
From:from the AATA newsletter (Nov 2007)
Subject:Gulf Arabic resources

  Margaret Nydell:  From Modern Standard Arabic to the (Regional)  
Arabic Dialects Series

There are six books in the series From Modern Standard Arabic to the  
(Regional) Arabic Dialect, including
Moroccan, Libyan, Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi and Gulf.  These books are  
written for users who know Modern Standard
Arabic (MSA) and who wish to efficiently identify and practice dialect  
features, which differ significantly, as well
as vocabulary and structures not present in MSA.  The books were  
written between 1990 and 1993.  Material was
gathered through multiple interviews with native speakers,  
interviewing at least two people at the same time.
Informants were ages 20 to 30, both men and women.

The books are designed alike.  Each is organized by part of speech.    
Each is intended as a practice-reference text, so
the speaker can look up features and use the chapters in any order.   
The books are double transcribed, in both
phonemic romanization and in Arabic.  Terminology is selected for non- 

Chapters include: Pronunciation, Nouns, Adjectives, Participles,  
Personal Pronouns, Other Pronouns, Question
Words, Prepositions/Conjunctions/Particles, Adverbs, Numbers, Sentence  
Structure, Perfect and Imperfect Verb
Tenses, Derived Forms of Verbs, Other Verb Features.  The books have  
accompanying recordings.

For further information or to order copies of individual works in the  
series, contact the publisher, Diplomatic
Language Services (tolewine at;  telephone 703-243-4855,  
extension 1030).

End of Arabic-L:  06 Dec 2007

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