Arabic-L:LING:NACAL 35 in San Antonio

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Wed Jan 17 19:42:17 UTC 2007

Arabic-L: Wed 17 Jan 2007
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:NACAL 35 in San Antonio

Date: 17 Jan 2007
From:Charles Haberl <mustashriq at GMAIL.COM>
Subject:NACAL 35 in San Antonio

Dear Colleagues:

The 35th annual meeting of the North American Conference on Afroasiatic
Linguistics (NACAL 35) will take place in San Antonio, Texas, USA, and
will feature several sections on Arabic (Classical Arabic, MSA, and  
Arabic) and the history of scholarship on the Arabic language.  These  
include the following presenters and papers:

Abdelkader Fassi Fehri (University of Newcastle upon Tyne), How  
is a Semitic language?

Benjamin Hary (Emory University), The Translation of Prepositions in
Egyptian Judeo-Arabic šurūḥ

Roni Henkin (Ben Gurion University), Peculiarities of Imprecations in
Negev Arabic

Ahmad Al-Jallad (University of South Florida), The Etymology of the
Indicative Augment bi- in Some Neo-Arabic Dialects

Adel Jibali (Université du Québec à Montréal), Are There Subject  
in Standard Arabic? The theory of Pro Revisited

Christopher Lucas (University of Cambridge), The Development of Negation
in Arabic and Berber

Nouman Malkawi (University of Nantes), Reconstruction and Islandhood in
Jordanian Arabic Relative Constructions

Jonathan Owens (University of Maryland), Why There is no History of the
Arabic Language: Part 1, the West

Trent Rockwood and Jonathan Owens (University of Maryland), The  
Marker yaˁni: What It (Really) Means

Judith Rosenhouse (Sound Waves Analysis and Technologies, Ltd.), Arabic
Bedouin–Sedentary Dichotomy at the Beginning of the New Millenium

Devin Stewart (Emory University), Cognate and Analogical Curses in
Moroccan Arabic

Thirty-six scholars representing the US and Canada as well as eight  
countries will give papers on topics relating to the Afroasiatic  
phylum.  In addition to Arabic, sectional topics will include Northwest
Semitic (Hebrew and Aramaic), Amharic, Egyptian, Cushitic and Omotic,
Language Contact, and the History of Scholarship. A full schedule can be
found at the NACAL website:

Those wishing to attend NACAL 35 must register. Registration costs $75
dollars ($45 dollars for students and those from soft-currency  
Registration may be made at any point up to the time of the conference,
but early registrations are eligible for a reduced price of $60 ($30
dollars for students and those from soft-currency countries).  
must be made on or before January 20th, 2007, in order to qualify for  
reduced price.

NACAL 35 will be held at the Holiday Inn at Market Square in downtown  
Antonio.  You must make reservations directly with the hotel well in
advance of the meeting, no later than February 12, 2007.  When making  
reservation, remember to mention the NACAL Annual Meeting for the
conference rate ($129 + tax for single or double rooms). This rate is in
effect for March 15-20, 2007.

Further information is available at the address given above.  I look
forward to seeing you in San Antonio.

Charles G. Haberl, PhD, NACAL 35 Convener
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

End of Arabic-L:  17 Jan 2007

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