Arabic-L:LIN:Arabic NLP workshop

Dilworth Parkinson dilworth_parkinson at BYU.EDU
Thu Jan 17 17:50:43 UTC 2008

Arabic-L: Thu 17 Jan 2008
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Arabic NLP workshop

Date: 17 Jan 2008
From:prosso at
Subject:Arabic NLP workshop

*HLT & NLP within the Arabic world: Arabic Language and *

*local** languages processing: Status Updates and Prospects*

Please refer to for  

*_ _*

*_Motivation and Aims_*

This Workshop intends to add value to the issues addressed during the  
main conference
(Human Language Technologies (HLT) & Natural Language Processing  
(NLP)) and enhance the
work carried out at different places to process Arabic language(s) and  
more generally
Semitic languages and other local and foreign languages spoken in the  

It should bring together people who are actively involved in Arabic  
Written and Spoken
language processing in a mono- or cross/multilingual context, and give  
them an
opportunity to update the community through reports on completed and  
ongoing work as well
as on the availability of LRs, evaluation protocols and campaigns,  
products and core
technologies (in particular open source ones). This should enable the  
participants to
develop a common view on where we stand with respect to these  
particular set of languages
and to foster the discussion of the future of this research area.   
Particular attention
will be paid to activities involving technologies such as Machine  
Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval/extraction, Summarization, Speech  
to text
transcriptions, etc., and languages such as Arabic varieties, Amazigh,  
Amharic, Hebrew,
Maltese, and other local languages. Evaluation methodologies and  
resources for evaluation
of HLT are also a main focus.

*_Topics of Interest_*

The submissions should address some of the following issues:

·        Issues in the design, the acquisition, creation, management,  
distribution, use of Language Resources (Standard Arabic, Colloquial  
Arabic, other
Semitic languages, Amazigh, Coptic, Maltese, English/French spoken  
locally, etc.)

·        Impact on LR collections/processing and NLP of the crucial  
issues related to
"code switching" between different dialects and languages

·        Specific issues related to the above-mentioned languages such  
as role of
morphology, named entities, corpus alignment, etc.)

·        Multilinguality issues including relationship between  
Colloquial and Standard

·        Exploitation of LR in different types of applications  
·        Industrial LR
requirements and community's response;

·        Benchmarking of systems and products; resources for  
benchmarking and evaluation
for written and spoken language processing;

·        Focus on some key technologies such as MT (all approaches  
e.g. Statistical,
Example-Based, etc.), Information Retrieval, Speech Recognition,  
Spoken Documents
Retrieval, CLIR, Question-Answering, Summarization,

·        Local, regional, and international activities and projects;

·        Needs, possibilities, forms, initiatives of/for regional and  

*_Submission Details (more on*

Submissions must be in English. Abstracts for workshop contributions  
should not exceed
Four A4 pages (excluding references). An additional title page should  
state: the title;
author(s); affiliation(s); and contact author's e-mail address, as  
well as postal
address, telephone and fax numbers.

Submission is to be sent by email, preferably in Postscript or PDF  
format, to:
arabic at <mailto:choukri at;amp;gt; to arrive  
before *_15 February
Registration to LREC'08 will be required for participation, so  
potential participants are
invited to refer to the main conference website for all details not  
covered in the
present call (

*_Important Dates_*

Call for papers:                                           3 January  

Deadline for abstract submissions:           15 February 2008

Notification of acceptance:                       14 March 2008

Final version of accepted paper:                11 April 2008

Workshop full-day:                               Saturday 31^st May 2008

*_Workshop chair_*

Khalid Choukri (ELRA/ELDA, France)

*_Workshop Co-chairs_*

Mona Diab, Columbia University, USA

Bente Maegaard (CST, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

Paolo Rosso, Universidad Politécnica Valencia, Spain

Abdelhadi Soudi ENIM (Morocco)

Ali Farghaly, Oracle USA and Monterey Institute of International Studies

End of Arabic-L:  17 Jan 2008
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