Arabic-L:LING:Intonation Variation in Arabic Conference, York UK

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Mon Apr 13 19:56:28 UTC 2009

Arabic-L: Mon 13 Apr 2009
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Intonation Variation in Arabic Conference, York UK

Date: 13 Apr 2009
From:Sam Hellmuth <sh581 at>
Subject:Intonation Variation in Arabic Conference, York UK

Intonational Variation in Arabic
28-29th September 2009 University of York, UK

Call for papers We are pleased to announce the first international
conference on Intonational Variation in Arabic, to be held on 28th and  
September 2009 at the University of York, UK. The aim of the  
conference is
to bring together researchers working on Arabic prosody and  
intonation, and
together to explore the range of prosodic variation observed in spoken
varieties of Arabic.

Papers of a descriptive and/or theoretical nature are invited which  
the phonetics and/or phonology of suprasegmental phenomena in one or  
Arabic varieties (or other related Afro-Asiatic languages). Papers  
the intonational phonology of spoken Arabic dialects will be  
welcome and will be prioritised. The conference will include a special
workshop session on the development of transcription systems for  
on intonational variation in Arabic.

Invited speakers confirmed so far
Professor Francis Nolan (University of Cambridge)
Professor Khaled Rifaat (Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University, Riyadh)

Abstract submission deadline: 31st May 2009
Notification of acceptance: 5th July 2009

A small number of financial bursaries will be available to students  
authors with limited institutional financial support. If you would  
like to
apply for a bursary please indicate this when sending your abstract.

Abstract submission - Abstracts should be no longer than one side of  
A4 (or
'American letter'), with 2.5cm or one inch margins, single-spaced,  
with a
font size no smaller than 12, and with normal character spacing. A  
page may be used to provide examples, figures and references on one  
single page (no abstracts will be accepted which are longer than two
pages). - Your abstract should be anonymous. You will be asked to  
submit a
version with your name and affiliation on it if your abstract is  
for presentation. Please do not use your name in the filename for your
abstract. - If you choose to use a phonetic font in your abstract or  
if you
wish to include figures/pitch traces, we strongly recommend that you  
your abstract in pdf format. Abstracts should be uploaded to the iva09  
on the EasyAbstracts site between 1-31st May 2009. You may use one of  
following formats for your abstract: pdf, Word (.doc), or plain text
(.txt). The link for uploading abstracts is here: - All abstracts will be  
anonymously by two members of the scientific committee.

Dr Sam Hellmuth (University of York)
Dr Dana Chahal (University of Melbourne)

Scientific Committee Dina ElZarka, Sonia Frota, Martine Grice, Barry
Heselwood, Sun Ah Jun, Francis Nolan, Brechtje Post, Sandra Vella, Janet
Watson, Mohamed Yeou.

Local organising committee (University of York)
Sam Hellmuth, Ghazi Al Gethami, Rana Al Hussein Almbark, Nora Al Zahrani

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