Arabic-L:PEDA:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Thu Apr 16 18:18:09 UTC 2009

Arabic-L: Thu 16 Apr 2009
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback
2) Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback
3) Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback
4) Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback
5) Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback
6) Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback
7) Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback

Date: 16 Apr 2009
From:Al Haraka <alharaka at>
Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback


The only program you will need is Audacity.  It is also free and
open-source.  I have used it in personal and professional applications,
and I can comment on its robustness in both spheres, having used it for
the same kind of projects as you.  It is very widely used, and the
project has compiled versions for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows
platforms.  Check out the project web page here:

If you or your students are impressed and want to thank the Audacity
team, you might even want to consider translating their website and/or
interface into Arabic for extra-credit and/or reward:

I hope this helps.


Date: 16 Apr 2009
From:katia zakharia <katia.zakharia at>
Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback

Good evening. The best solution I found for recording exercises for my  
students and asking them to record exercises for me is the freeware  
Audacity. One needs headphones for recording. The files can be saved  
as MP3 and it is possible to add comments (or music or silence…) when  

Date: 16 Apr 2009
From:Dan Parvaz <dparvaz at>
Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback

Simple, out-of-the-box solutions:

Several sound editing programs can be found for each platform (and 
  which works on all of them) which can be set up to record on a  
single stereo channel. That way, your students can, say, record their  
assignments on the right channel, and your TAs can record on the left.

If you need textual feedback, you might consider an annotation program  
like (or something with a more  
intuitive interface!) which will allow arbitrary text annotation on a  
tier indexed to any stretch of audio in the file.

If you would like a more customized solution, sound files are  
relatively easy to understand (and there are libraries for the major  
scripting languages to simplify it further), and a little departmental  
money and a computer science co-op student will go a long way.

Hope this helps,

Dan Parvaz.

Date: 16 Apr 2009
From:Margaret Litvin <mlitvin at>
Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback

Greetings.  Many of our language teachers at BU have good results with a
free program called Audacity:



Margaret Litvin
Assistant Professor of Arabic and Comparative Literature
Boston University
Dept. of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature
718 Commonwealth Ave.,  room 302A
Boston, MA 02215

Date: 16 Apr 2009
From:Chris H <kaix04holmanski77 at>
Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback


The University of Oregon is currently working on A National Virtual  
Language Lab (ANVILL), and it is something that answers the questions  
being asked in this thread.  It is a free service that you can use  
now, and it is evolving a lot as the project moves forward.  You can  
find out more about the project here:

I hope this helps.

Chris Holman
Arabic Instructor
University of Oregon
chrish at

Date: 16 Apr 2009
From:matoler at GMAIL.COM
Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback

Hi Paul,

There are few possible solutions, each of them useful in different
ways and each of them different degrees of difficulty.  You can use
any number of audio editing software packages, but none of them are
quick and easy in the way you would want them to be for homework
grading.  Your easiest solution for many purposes may be a web site
called VoiceThread.  Students will be able to comment on an image,
document, pdf, etc., and the professor can insert comments as well:
    Check it out, you may be able to come up with ways to use it that
suit your purposes.

Another possible solution is, believe it or not, YouTube.  You can
create YouTube channels for a class, students can upload their audio
recordings.  All they would need is a single image to make it a
video.  This would allow comments to be inserted at the right points,
but they would have to be written.   These are the solutions that
immediately come to mind, but let me think about it.

Michael A Toler (
Chief Program Officer, NITLE (National Institute for Technology and
Liberal Education)
PO Box 812467
Wellesley, MA 02482

Date: 16 Apr 2009
From:Alex Bellem <a.bellem at>
Subject:tech solution for voice recording homework and feedback


It would presumably be easiest to record onto the laptop. Either the  
laptops have in-built microphones, or an external mic could be bought  
cheaply and easily. The soundfile can be submitted as an email  
attachment or via CD / flash drive. If you use a programme such as  
Audacity (freely downloadable) then the tutor would just need to open  
the soundfile and (while listening) record comments at the relevant  
juncture, then the new (amended) version can be returned to the student.


Dr Alex Bellem
Research Fellow
The British Institute
PO Box 519, Jubaiha, Amman 11941, Jordan
Tel: + 962 (0)6 534 1317
Fax: + 962 (0) 533 7197
Mob: 079 983 0512

End of Arabic-L:  16 Apr 2009

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