Arabic-L:PEDA:Using private blogs with Arabic Instruction

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Fri Feb 6 16:40:33 UTC 2009

Arabic-L: Fri 06 Feb 2009
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Using private blogs with Arabic Instruction

Date: 06 Feb 2009
From:Afra Al-Mussawir <afraalmussawir at>
Subject:Using private blogs with Arabic Instruction

marhaba all,
Thank you for the great responses regarding my query about free  
resources for Yemeni dialects -- I have been meaning to respond to the  
private emails I got but unexpectedly got swamped. In an effort to  
make my tutoring work a more efficient use of face-to-face time, I've  
set up a blog for each of my students -- a private blog on a free  
server (I am using blogspot right now, we'll see how that goes). My  
students post exercises they've written, and I post corrections in the  
comments area. I am also posting info as I come by it on related  
events of interest going on in town (e.g. open lectures on campus),  
other materials they could get on their own (e.g. videos to rent),  
books and websites, etc. Students can post questions (before they  
forget it by our next meeting). Because each student has their own  
blog, I can tailor responses to each student's level, interests, and  

My question is this: do any of you have suggestions for how else I can  
use this resource? I've never used blogs before for instruction,  
though I've used blackboard with formal classes. Keep in mind that I  
only see each student once or twice a week! I am especially looking  
for pedagogical techniques that will appeal to different modes:  
visual, aural, kinesthetic (?) and Gardner's multiple intelligences.


Many thanks,
Afra Al-Mussawir

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