Arabic-L:GEN:Transcription fonts for Word 2007

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Thu Sep 23 15:23:23 UTC 2010

Arabic-L: Thu 23 Sep 2010
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1) Subject: Transcription fonts for Word 2007
2) Subject: Transcription fonts for Word 2007
3) Subject: Transcription fonts for Word 2007

Date: 23 Sep 2010
From: "Knut S. Vikør" <knut.vikor at>
Subject: Transcription fonts for Word 2007

See the survey at

All those listed, with links to where to get them, should work in Word 2007 / Windows XP or higher.

Knut S. Vikør

Date: 23 Sep 2010
From: "Dr. Khaled Huthaily" <khaledenglish at>
Subject: Transcription fonts for Word 2007

If your question is related to IPA fonts to transcribe the sounds of Arabic, here is a link where you can download IPA fonts for free: 
However, one issue with those fonts is that the dental diacritic is not placed correctly below the /t/ and /d/. The font that I use in my works and publications is e-PhonTranslit UNI. It correctly puts the diactritics in their places. [It is for free, but see the copyright note]. Here is the link: 
Once you save the font(s) in the "Fonts" folder, which is in the "Windows" folder, they will be part of the "system fonts" and should work in any word processing program, regardless of its version/edition. In MS Word, you can use the "insert symbol" button and navigate to the "e-PhonTranslit UNI" font. Make sure you embed the fonts (or save the Word file as PDF) to see the fonts in the file when it is opened on a computer that does not have the same fonts.
I hope this helps, and I am sorry for sending this long e-mail and repeating things that you might already be very familiar with.
Enjoy the weekend.

Khaled Huthaily, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor of Arabic & Educational Linguistics
Director, STARTALK Montana Arabic Summer Institute (MASI)

Date: 23 Sep 2010
From: Katia ZAKHARIA <katia.zakharia at>
Subject: Transcription fonts for Word 2007

Try Gentium. It's free, it's unicode, it looks nice and it's very easy to use once you have installed your own keyuboard shortcuts. You can download it for instance on :

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