Arabic-L:PEDA:Arabic at NECTFL Conference

Dilworth Parkinson dil at BYU.EDU
Wed Mar 30 15:14:07 UTC 2011

Arabic-L: Wed 30 Mar 2011
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dil at>
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1) Subject: Arabic at NECTFL Conference

Date: 30 Mar 2011
From:  mesa at
Subject: Arabic at NECTFL Conference

I would like to draw your attention to the upcoming conference of NECTFL in Baltimore this coming weekend. For more information about the conference, please check out the NECTFL website at:

There are many sessions of interest to all of you as  Arabic teachers. (See list below!) However, there are many other sessions that will provide you with state of the art professional development and creative and practical ideas for how to improve your teaching. Even if you missed the pre-registartion deadline, you still can attend and pay on-site. The conference will take place in the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, 700 Aliceanna Blvd, Baltimore MD 21202. (Click on the link for a map and directions:

In addition, I will be chairing a special session about the creationof an association for Arabic teachers in our region. It is  Session 217: Networking for Greater Washington Teachers of Arabic on Sunday, April 3, 4:15-5:30 p.m. in the Falkland Room of the convention hotel. Here is the description: "All Arabic teachers in the greater Washington area (Maryland, Washington DC, and Virginia) are invited to attend this networking session and help establish a local chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic (AATA) or their own local group tentatively called Greater Washington Association of Teachers of Arabic (GWATA).The association will join forces with local groups such as MFLA, GWATFL, and FLAVA and will participate in their conferences. In English with examples in English and Arabic and of interest to educators at all levels of instruction."

Other Arabic sessions:
33. The Essentials: A Handbook for Standards-based K-16 Arabic Teaching (Saturday, 9:30-10:45 - Atlantic Room)
57. Strategies to Enhance the Chinese & Arabic Classrooms, Kane (Saturday, 11-12:15, Bristol Room)
92. ES: Yale U Press: Teaching Arabic Effectively with Ahlan wa Sahlan, Shea, Saffar (Saturday, 2-3:15 in the James Room)
101. We Don't Teach Arabic Dialect but a Spoken Variety, Chouairi (Saturday, 3:30-4:45 in Bristol Room)
124. The Interactive Notebook: A Student-Centered Approach to Arabic Cozzens, Mifdal, Hamid, Hasan(Sunday, 8:45-10 in the Bristol Room)
144. 2009 Arabic School Survey: State of the Arabic Teaching Profession, Johnson, Keatley
(Sunday, 10:15-11:30 in the Atlantic Room)
173. MSU Arabic Language Flagship: Creating Global Professionals, Hassan (Sunday, 12:30-1:45 in the Falkland Room)
195. Differentiated Instruction in the Arabic Foreign Language Classroom, Hassan (Sunday, 2-3:15 in the Falkland Room)
217. Networking for Greater Washington Teachers of Arabic, Esa (Sunday, 4:15-5:30 in the Falkland Room)

We, all presenters, are looking forward to seeing many of you at the

End of Arabic-L: 30 Mar 2011
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