Arabic-L:PEDA:New Deadline for UT-AUC Conference on Arabic Teaching

Dilworth Parkinson dilworthparkinson at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jul 3 22:31:55 UTC 2012

Arabic-L: Tue 03 Jul 2012
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:New Deadline for UT-AUC Conference on Arabic Teaching

Date: 03 Jul 2012
From: ressawi at AUCEGYPT.EDU
Subject:New Deadline for UT-AUC Conference on Arabic Teaching

*Dear Colleagues*

*In order to allow for more teachers and TAFL students to participate in
the joint AUC-Texas University conference, deadline for abstract submission
has been postponed to July 20th . Change is indicated in the following
notification and on the conference web page. Hope to see you all in Cairo.*

* *

*Teaching Arabic **in a** Changing World**: Needs and Challenges*

When : Jan.9th-11th, 2013

Where: The American University in Cairo (New Cairo Campus)

Deadline for submission of abstracts: July 20th , 2012

Notification of acceptance of papers: September 1st, 2012

Final papers submission: December 15, 2012

The past ten years have witnessed remarkable expansion in the number of
 Arabic teaching programs and methodologies, which have brought about new
challenges and needs. This conference aims to create opportunities for
researchers – especially young ones – in the field of Arabic to exchange
ideas about pedagogy, learn about best practices in AFL, and explore
innovative ways to help Arabiclearners achieve high language proficiency

The conference will feature pre-conference workshops and panels dealing
with a variety of topics related to TAFL.

The conference invites members of the AFL community (especially TAFL
graduate students) worldwide to submit abstracts (400 words)that address
any of the following areas:

-         Best practices in AFL pedagogy.

-         Approaches to challenges in Arabic language teaching and learning

-         Modes of assessment.

-         Using technology to motivate learners and facilitate AFL learning.

-         Curriculum design and implementation (e.g., content based
instruction, task based teaching etc.)

-         Changing needs of AFL learners and how to address them.

-         TAFL teachers education and professional development.

-         SLA research and AFL applications.

Conference keynote speakers:

-         Dr. Elvira Swender, ACTFL,Director of Professional Programs *,*who
will give a talk entitled “ The ACTFL Guidelines and the Common European
Framework of Reference (CEFR): The Uses and Usefulness of Frameworks”

-         Dr. Kristen Brustad, University of Austin, Chair, DMES,  who will
deliver a talk in Arabic titled:  اللغة العربية بين الواقع والخيال

Abstracts will be submitted electronically via the conference web site at
web site is active and ready for abstract submission and registration.
Please visit the web site for further information and updates.

We look forward to seeing you in Cairo soon.

For questions or further information, please writeto:infoconf at

End of Arabic-L: 03 Jul 2012

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