Arabic-L:PEDA:Media Arabic references

Dilworth Parkinson dilworthparkinson at GMAIL.COM
Mon Mar 19 16:09:56 UTC 2012

Arabic-L: Wed 19 Mar 2012
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Media Arabic references
2) Subject:Media Arabic references

Date: 19 Mar 2012
From:"Paula Santillán" <psgrimm at>
Subject:Media Arabic references

Hi Jan!

I think that the magazine Al Moukhtatrat (published by the IMA in Paris) has
a few numbers devoted to media Arabic and, though it might be a little be
outdated today, it could still be helpful for general vocabulary:

I also suggest that you have a look at this dictionary:

Lexique bilingue de l'arabe des médias

And our colleague Mourad Diouri is about to publish another somewhat related

Last but not least, the Escuela de Traductores de Toledo in Spain published
(check out the 2008 newest edition with CD) two volumes on Media Arabic
geared toward basic level students:

Árabe de prensa. Método para la comprensión auditiva y escrita. Autores:
Juan Carandell, Jaime Sánchez Ratia y Ahmed Teziti. Incluye cederrón de
audio mp3. Vol. I: 115 págs. Vol. II: 141 págs. ISSN: 1578-5009.

I hope this info helps you add new titles to those that you already had…


Date: 19 Mar 2012
From:"McCollum, Adam" <acmccollum101 at>
Subject:Media Arabic references

Dear Jan,

The vocabulary used in Karin C. Ryding and David J. Mehall, Formal
Spoken Arabic (Washington, DC, 2005) is in line with your request. The
book assumes some knowledge of Arabic, but not too much.

Adam McCollum

End of Arabic-L:  19 Mar 2012

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