Arabic-L:PEDA:Webinar on Reading Assessment

Dilworth Parkinson dilworthparkinson at GMAIL.COM
Sun Sep 30 04:49:49 UTC 2012

Arabic-L: Sat 29 Sep 2012
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Webinar on Reading Assessment

Date: 29 Sep 2012
From:CALPER Penn State gxa9 at
Subject:Webinar on Reading Assessment

The Language Acquisition Resource Center (LARC) at San Diego State
University and the Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education
and Research (CALPER) at Penn State are pleased to announce the next
webinar on assessment.

LARC/CALPER 7th Webinar on Assessment
"Diagnosing Strengths and Weaknesses of Foreign/Second Language Readers"

Dr. Cindy Brantmeier
Washington University, St. Louis

Foreign/Second language (FL) reading is an outward manifestation of an
inward process that cannot be observed, and it is also an ability that
some language programs take for granted. This presentation will begin
with a brief review of models that treat FL reading, and it will
highlight the research that determines specific cognitive, linguistic,
and affective contributions to FL reading capabilities. With this
foundation, the presentation will move to a discussion about the
assessment of FL reading. To date, research has not revealed the
perfect test to measure reading comprehension, and consequently a
variety of assessment tasks (recall, sentence completion, multiple
choice, etc.) are utilized in order to capture a true depiction of the
reading process. An explanation of the research on the merits and
shortcomings of different assessment tests frequently used to measure
reading skills and comprehension will be offered with corresponding
suggestions for instructional practice. The presentation will conclude
with findings and practical implications of two different studies that
utilize self-assessment inventories and metacognitive questionnaires
to diagnose strengths and weaknesses of individual readers.
Date and Time

Tuesday --- October 16, 2012
2:00pm Eastern


This webinar is free for educators. Go to the Webinar Information Page
at LARC to register. Once registered you will receive login
information and relevant updates.

Support for this webinar is provided in part by a grant to CALPER and
LARC from the U.S. Department of Education.
Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research
Language Acquisition Resource Center

End of Arabic-L: 29 Sep 2012

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