Arabic-L:PEDA:JOBS:Arabic lecturer jobs at UNC at Chapel Hill

Dilworth Parkinson dilworthparkinson at GMAIL.COM
Fri Dec 20 12:42:35 UTC 2013

Arabic-L: Fri 20 Dec 2013
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: JOBS:Arabic lecturer jobs at UNC at Chapel Hill

Date: 20 Dec 2013
From: "Li, Wendan" <wli at>
Subject: JOBS:Arabic lecturer jobs at UNC at Chapel Hill

Job posting - Arabic lecturers at University of North Carolina at Chapel

The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill invites applications for
three-year renewable lecturer positions in Arabic language beginning July
1, 2014. Responsibilities include teaching six language courses per year,
including introductory through advanced levels, and active involvement in
teamwork and program affairs. Position requires a master's degree in Arabic
language pedagogy or a related field; native or near-native command of
Modern Standard Arabic, one major dialect variety of Arabic, and English;
and familiarity with the methods and technologies used in teaching Arabic
at the college level. UNC-CH is an equal opportunity employer. Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply.

Qualified applicants should submit an online application at; paper or email applications will not be
accepted. Required materials include a letter of application detailing
teaching philosophy, CV, sample syllabi, and a teaching video of a
50-minute Arabic language class. Applicants may also submit transcripts and
course evaluations. All materials must be submitted online except the
teaching video DVD, which should be sent by mail to: Arabic Lecturer Search
Committee, Department of Asian Studies, CB 3267, 113 New West, University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC 27599-3267. In addition, have three
original, signed letters of reference sent to the same address.

Review of applications will begin on January 8, 2014, and continue until
position is filled. For additional information, contact arabicsearch at
<mailto:arabicsearch at>.

End of Arabic-L: 20 Dec 2013
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