<div dir="ltr">------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Arabic-L: Wed 30 Jan 2013<br>Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <<a href="mailto:dilworth_parkinson@byu.edu" target="_blank">dilworth_parkinson@byu.edu</a>><br>
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unsubscribe arabic-l ]<br><br>-------------------------Directory------------------------------------<br><br>1) Subject:Needs Collection of Islamic Poetry in text or rtf format<br>
1)<br>Date: 30 Jan 2013<br>From:moderator<br>Subject:Needs Collection of Islamic Poetry in text or rtf format<br><br>I have been asked whether it would be possible to include a corpus of Islamic poetry in arabiCorpus, so that certain kinds of searches would be easier. The answer is that I can do it, but I would need a collection of Islamic Poetry in either text or rtf format (utf encoding if possible). If anyone has such a thing readily available that they don't mind sharing, let me know. I know that there are a number of websites where I can go in and download things one poem at a time, but I am not really willing to do that. What I am looking for here is a collection that has already been compiled into a single (or small number of) file(s).<div>
thanks.<br><div>dil<br><br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>End of Arabic-L: 30 Jan 2013<br></div></div></div>