web experiment on spatial descriptions and discourse relations for NLG project

kavita thomas kavita.e.thomas at GMAIL.COM
Thu Aug 28 17:42:24 UTC 2008

(Subject: web experiment participation call--apologies in advance if
you get this more than once!)
Dear All,

We're running a last experiment in the Atlas.txt project (website
below) which aims to automatically generate texts describing
geo-referenced information like census data so that this information,
which is typically shown via maps, can be made accessible to the

We're currently seeking sighted participants in this 20 minute web
experiment. If you'd like to take part, you can do so online at your
own time and location. The web address of the experiment is:

The only restrictions are that participants need to be an adult
sighted native English speaker, and need to run the experiment in one
session without taking breaks.

Additionally, if you know anyone who might be willing to participate,
please forward this email to them! The more the merrier!

Your participation would be greatly appreciated!

Dr Kavita Thomas
Department of Computing Science
University of Aberdeen

More information on the Atlas.txt project can be found at:

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