<html><head></head><body>New Book:<br><br>Martin Doering, Hermine Penz and Wilhelm Trampe
(eds.): Language, Signs and Nature. Ecolinguistic Dimensions of
Environmental Discourse.Essays in Honour of Alwin Fill. Tuebingen:
Stauffenburg.<br><br>Synopsis:<br>Language, Signs and Nature: Ecolinguistic Dimensions of Environmental<br>Discourse is both a Festschrift for Alwin Fill and at the same time an up-to-date<br>survey of recent trends in research in Ecolinguistics – a relatively new and<br>interdisciplinary field of research in linguistics. The volume brings together<br>theoretical work and applied analyses on the interaction between language<br>and its cultural and natural environment by prominent researchers. It covers a<br>wide range of topics including cultural evolution, natural signs and sign-worldsystems,<br>the ecology of grammar, the discourse of biodiversity, the construction<br>of the world through discourse by the anti-green movement and<br>intelligent design creationism, the metaphorical framing of epidemics, etc.<br>The book will thus be of interest not only to the ecolinguistic community, but<br>also to the neighbouring fields of environmental studies, human geography,<br>discourse analysis, semiotics, public policy, and linguistics in general.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>-- <br>Dr. Martin Döring<br>University of Hamburg<br>FSP BIOGUM / FG Medizin<br>Falkenried 94<br>D 20251 Hamburg<br>Germany<br>Phone: 0049/(0)40-42803-6313<br>Fax: 0049/(0)40-42803-6315<br>E-Mail: Martin.Doering@uni-hamburg.de<br>Internet: www.metaphorik.de</body></html>