Welsh corpus (fwd)

Andrew Carnie carnie at linguistlist.org
Thu Jul 29 19:05:34 UTC 1999

Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 17:37:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Nicholas Kibre <nick at stl.research.panasonic.com>
To: celtling at MITVMA.MIT.EDU
Subject: Welsh corpus

Dear folks;

I am currently wrapping up a dissertation on Welsh intonation. I am
writing this message, first of all, to offer to send a copy to
any interested celtling listmembers. Second, I am looking for someone more
competent in Welsh than myself who could check over my translations of a
small (several pages) corpus of Welsh utterances.

I can also put the original speech samples on a cdrom for anyone who might
have a use for them.

Nick Kibre

         T_[o] ----- --[]-        Nick Kibre; PTI/STL
        /oOOo=-oo-oo-oo-oo        nick at stl.research.panasonic.com

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