Fwd: Invitation to join 'Gaelic' Group

Elizabeth J. Pyatt ejp10 at psu.edu
Mon Feb 24 13:18:14 UTC 2003

>From: XPrinceHawkX at aol.com
>Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 18:51:11 EST
>Subject: Invitation to join 'Gaelic'

><< Invitation to join 'Gaelic'
>  Group Description
>  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Gaelic/
>  Gaelic is a discussion group about the history and evolution of the Goidelic
>  (Q-Celtic) languages of Gaidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) Gaeilge (Irish) and Gaelg
>  (Manx).
>  Historical events and figures that have shaped these languages are also
>  discussed.
>  Posts discussing the relationship between these Gaelic languages and the
>  Brythonic (P-Celtic) languages of Breton (Brezhoneg) Cornish (Kernewek) and
>  (Cymraeg) Welsh are also on-topic.
>  The main language of the group is English, although posts in any language
>  are acceptable, provided a brief summary in English is given
>  To subscribe, send a blank email to:  Gaelic-subscribe at yahoogroups.com
>  ========================================
>  If you have news of Gaelic events, courses or campaigns in
>  your area,  and you'd like to share it, contact; David Wilson
>  [Gaelic-News Listowner] at; dxx.wilson at virgin.net  =====
>  ==== http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Gaelic-News/ =====
>  ========================================
>   >>

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