Fwd: [CELTIC-T] Special Stipends for LCTL Teachers

Elizabeth J. Pyatt ejp10 at PSU.EDU
Wed Mar 5 17:19:20 UTC 2008

FYI - If you teach one of the Celtic languages 
and want to attend the University of Minnesota 
summer institute for less commonly taught 
languages, there are $600 stipends available.


>Reply-To: Louis Janus <lctl at UMN.EDU>
>Sender: Celtic language teachers mailing list <CELTIC-T at LISTS.UMN.EDU>
>From: Louis Janus <lctl at UMN.EDU>
>Subject: [CELTIC-T] Special Stipends for LCTL Teachers
>Comments: To: celtic-t at umn.edu
>[]); Wed, 05 Mar 2008 09:53:25 -0500 (EST)
>Special Stipends for LCTL Teachers
>To support the improvement of instruction of 
>Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTLs), the 
>University of Minnesota's National Resource 
>Centers offer a limited number of $600 stipends 
>for LCTL teachers to help defray the cost of 
>attending any of the CARLA summer institutes. 
>The University NRCs--the Consortium for the 
>Study of the Asias (CSA), the European Studies 
>Consortium (ESC) and the Institute for Global 
>Studies (IGS)--are funded by the U.S. Department 
>of Education and sponsor this program as part of 
>their mission to support LCTL teachers.
>Applications are due by April 11, 2008.
>European LCTL teachers 
>see: <http://ecommunication.umn.edu/t/29047/2581612/17472/0/>http://www.esc.umn.edu/CARLA.htm 
>Asian LCTL teachers 
>see: <http://ecommunication.umn.edu/t/29047/2581612/17473/0/>http://asias.umn.edu/funding/k16.html 
>All other LCTLs 
>see: <http://ecommunication.umn.edu/t/29047/2581612/17474/0/>http://igs.cla.umn.edu/outreach/language.html
>For more details about the stipend program 
>CARLA Summer Institutes 2008
>The Center for Advanced Research on Language 
>Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of 
>Minnesota has sponsored a summer institute 
>program for second language teachers since 1996. 
>This internationally-known program reflects 
>CARLA's commitment to link research and theory 
>with practical applications for the classroom. 
>Each institute is highly interactive and 
>includes discussion, theory-building, hands-on 
>activities, and plenty of networking 
>The CARLA summer institute program is very popular, so register early!
>The institutes that will be offered during summer 2008 are:
>Immersion 101: An Introduction to Immersion Teaching for Chinese and Japanese
>June 23-27, 2008
>Presenters: Tara Fortune with Michael Bacon and Molly Wieland
>Using Technology in Second Language Teaching
>July 14-18, 2008
>Presenters: Marlene Johnshoy, Beth Kautz, Jenise 
>Rowekamp, Rick Treece, Pablo Viedma, Jian Wu, 
>Zhen Zou
>Developing Materials for Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTLs)
>July 14-18, 2008
>Presenters: Bill Johnston and Louis Janus
>Meeting the Challenges of Immersion Education: 
>"How well do students speak the immersion language?"
>July 14-18, 2008
>Presenters: Tara Fortune and Lynn Thompson
>Focusing on Learner Language: 
>Second Language Acquisition Basics for Teachers
>July 21-25, 2008
>Presenters: Elaine Tarone and Maggie Broner
>Improving Language Learning: 
>Styles- and Strategies-Based Instruction
>July 21-25, 2008
>Presenters: Martha Nyikos and Andrew Cohen
>Content-Based Language Instruction and Curriculum Development 
>July 21-25, 2008
>Presenter: Laurent Cammarata
>Immersion 101: An Introduction to Immersion Teaching 
>July 21-25, 2008 (Session 1) -or- July 28-August 1, 2008 (Session 2)
>Presenters: Diane Tedick, Tara Fortune, Maureen 
>Curran Dorsano, and Mandy Menke
>Developing Assessments for the Second Language Classroom
>July 28-Aug. 1, 2008
>Presenters: Ursula Lentz and Donna Clementi
>Culture as the Core in the Second Language Classroom
>July 28-Aug. 1, 2008
>Presenter: Francine Klein
>Language and Culture in Sync: 
>Teaching the Pragmatics of a Second Language 
>July 28-Aug. 1, 2008
>Presenters: Noriko Ishihara and Andrew Cohen
>The cost of each of the CARLA summer institutes 
>is $350 if registration is received by May 31, 
>2007 and $400 after that date. More information 
>and registration forms will soon be available on 
>the CARLA website 
>at: <http://ecommunication.umn.edu/t/29047/2581612/17483/0/>http://www.carla.umn.edu/institutes. 
>Brochures are available now at the CARLA office. 
>To request a copy you can email the CARLA office 
>at: <mailto:carla at umn.edu>carla at umn.edu
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>Our apologies for cross-posting
>Louis Janus, Ph.D.
>  Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) Project
>  Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)
>  University of Minnesota
>  619 Heller Hall (mail)
>  674 Heller Hall (visiting)
>  271 19th Avenue So.
>  Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
>  phone: 612/624-9016; fax: 612/624-7514
>janus005 at umn.edu
>              or
>LCTL at umn.edu
>** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** CARLA's Less Commonly 
>Taught Languages Project sponsors this list and 
>many other resources. 
>http://www.carla.umn.edu/LCTL ** ** ** ** ** ** 
>** ** **


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