Comments on New Online Irish Dictionary?

Loïc Cheveau lughaidh1 at GMAIL.COM
Wed Sep 24 15:11:32 UTC 2008


Actually, is a new collaborative dictionary (a bit
like a Wiki) that was created a couple of months ago, I think. So it
can't be comprehensive yet, and maybe there are mistakes in it since
those who work on that dictionary are mainly learners. I don't think
they intend it to to become a reference source such as or They say it here:  is ok, but strangely enough, under "ceacht"
you'll find examples with ceachtar and eisceacht (which are completely
different words, except there's the string of characters "ceacht" in
them). And many examples are administration stuff (maybe from the EU
website or from the Irish Government websites) that are not native
Irish ; maybe native examples from oral corpora or literature would
have been more useful for most people. I prefer the paper dictionaries
or WinGléacht...

Beirigí buaidhe


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