counting MLUm

Susanne Miyata smiyata at
Mon Jun 4 02:38:12 UTC 2001

At 0:44 AM +0800 01.6.4, Simon Huang wrote:
>Dear Childes members,
>I am currently a research student in Hong Kong, and I have encountered a
>technical problem in using CLAN and would like to obtain opinions from you.
>When I use the MLU program to calculate MLU for a set of data, I found that
>the program was able to count morphemes when the delimiter # is used in the
>main tier.  However, if the morphological information is only encoded in the
>MOR tier only, I found that what I obtained is MLUw instead of MLUm.  So, if
>the morphological information is only encoded in the mor tier rather than
>the main tier, is there any way to perform an MLUm count using CLAN? (Note:
>I'm now working on English data.)
>I would be grateful if any of you could give me advices.  Thank you very
>Simon Huang
>Chinese University of HK

we are using the following command
mlu +t%mor +t*CHI @
to compute MLU on the mor tier.

If we want to excluded certain word classes like greetings or onomatopoeias
(co|byebye , onoma|meow etc.) we add  -s"co|*" -s"onoma|*" and so forth.

Susanne Miyata

Susanne Miyata
Faculty of Creativity and Culture
Aichi Shukutoku University
Sakuragaoka 23, Chikusa-ku
Nagoya, Japan 464-8671

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