special characters in CLAN

Margot Rozendaal m.rozendaal at hum.uva.nl
Thu May 15 14:47:37 UTC 2003

Dear CLAN users,

On May 9th, I posed a question on this list about Swedish characters like ä,
å and ö that appeared as ¥ and à or a combination of both, on my PC. Leonid
Spektor advised me to make sure that I have the "Arial Unicode MS" font
installed on my computer. I did and I have this font installed, but I still
cannot view Swedish (and French, I found out) characters. The strange thing
is however, that I do have the normal Swedish and French letters ä, å, ö, á,
à, é and è on my home computer, while that machine doesn't support the
'Arial Unicode MS font'! The childes-files I'm using at work were taken from
the internet and the ones I have at home are taken from the Childes CD-rom
(2000). Could this be the difference. Hopefully someone can help me!

Thank you, Margot Rozendaal

-----Original Message-----
From: Leonid Spektor [mailto:spektor at andrew.cmu.edu]
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 7:47 PM
To: m.rozendaal at hum.uva.nl
Subject: Re: special characters in CLAN


    Please make sure that you view those files with CLAN and that you have
"Arial Unicode MS" font installed on your computer. You can check the font
in directory "C:\windows\fonts" or C:\winnt\fonts", depending on the OS you
have on your machine. If you do not have this font installed, then you can
downloaded from "http://childes.psy.cmu.edu/tools/".


On 09-05-2003 8:21, "Margot Rozendaal" <m.rozendaal at hum.uva.nl> wrote:

> Dear CLAN-users,
> Hopefully someone can help me with the following problem. I want to do
> analysis on Swedish Childes-files. When I open these files, typical
> characters as ä, å and ö appear as ¥ and Ã, or a combination of both.
> Although it is possible for me to read the transcripts like this, it would
> definitely be more convenient to read the transcript with the usual
> characters. Can someone tell me how to get the letters ä, å and ö into the
> transcripts or is there an in error in these files?
> Thank you very much,
> Margot Rozendaal
> Margot Rozendaal
> Universiteit van Amsterdam
> Department of Psycholinguistics and Language Pathology
> Spuistraat 210
> 1012 VT Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> T: +31 20 - 525 3877

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