two questions about clan's latesat version

camilla bardel camilla.bardel at
Thu Feb 12 16:20:19 UTC 2004

We recently downloaded the latest version of Clan. After some
initial problems with mor it now works fine! There are only
two things we still wonder about: When running check on the
transcriptions, the program reacts on @Filname, not being in
the depfiles. How come it's not in the depfiles anymore?

The other thing is the fact that it's no longer possible to
number the lines of the transcriptions. We tried to do define
line number in the edit menu, without success.

Best wishes
Camilla Bardel

Camilla Bardel
Institutionen för Franska och Italienska
Stockholms Universitet
106 91 Stockholm
tel. 0046-08-16 35 88

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