Upper bound

Brian MacWhinney macw at cmu.edu
Mon Feb 23 14:24:01 UTC 2004

On 2/23/04 2:32 AM, "Emily" <h0009780 at hkusua.hku.hk> wrote:

> Dear Andjelkovic and others,
> Sorry for replying late. According to Genesee et al (1995), upper bound is the
> number of morphemes in the longest utterance in each language. I would like to
> know if there is a way to calculate it using CLAN program.
> Thank you for your attentions.
> Best regards,
> Emily Yiu

Dear Emily,
  I assume you mean in "each language in a particular mixed language
transcript".  Yes, you use the MAXWD program for that.  If you are dealing
with mixed language transcripts, you will also have to have some way of
pulling things apart.  Without a clearer idea of the shape of your data, I
couldn't give you further suggestions, but basically you would rely on MAXWD
and some preprocessing.  For example, if you are using postcodes to identify
languages, it would be relatively easy.

--Brian MacWhinney

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