Japanese MOR

Brian MacWhinney macw at mac.com
Thu Jul 29 16:38:22 UTC 2004

Dear Linda,
     I downloaded the current Japanese MOR and ran it on the aki01.cha 
file in Miyata-Aki.  I received no complaints about any missing files.  
Moreover, both the ar.cut and dr.cut files were in place.  I found 
about four unrecognized words, but otherwise it runs fine.  Maybe you 
have an old version of Japanese MOR  or ....?
    Regarding the dr.cut file for Spanish, I see no reason to maintain 
use dr rules for Spanish any more, since we now have a reasonably 
well-trained span.db file that you can use to run POST for Spanish.  
Please note my messages regarding the fact that I have analyzed and 
disambiguated three Spanish corpora now.

--Brian MacWhinney

On Jul 29, 2004, at 9:24 AM, Cote, Linda (NIH/NICHD) wrote:

> Hi,
> When I try to run the Japanese MOR program on my transcripts, it tells 
> me that it cannot read the ar.cut file.  Does anyone have a working 
> ar.cut file for this MOR?

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