Spanish MOR

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Thu Sep 2 19:46:03 UTC 2004

Dear Linda,
    No, actually accents are crucial for Spanish.   Please remember that 
your input files must be in UTF8.  If you are using a current version 
of CLAN, this is the automatic format.  However, some older files may 
have to be converted using
CP2UTF.  For a simple test, just try downloading some of the files on 
the web that are already morphemicized, such
as the ColMex files.  Those will go through with no errors.  Then 
compare those files with yours to see how they
are different.  You can tell if a file is in UTF by opening it in the 
CLAN editor and looking at the bottom info line

--Brian MacWhinney

On Sep 2, 2004, at 10:20 AM, Cote, Linda (NIH/NICHD) wrote:

> Is it the case that for Spanish MOR to work properly, none of the 
> words should have accents?
> I ran Spanish MOR on some transcripts that contained accents, and the 
> program systematically deleted all letters with accents, resulting in 
> ? on the %MOR line. 
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