vocd retracings

Brian Richards b.j.richards at reading.ac.uk
Wed Mar 21 09:36:09 UTC 2007

Dear Annabelle, another issue might be that vocd needs to have the exclude file in the working directory rather than the lib directory.

Brian Richards, PhD
Professor of Education
The University of Reading
Bulmershe Court
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Brian MacWhinney 
  To: info-chibolts at mail.talkbank.org 
  Cc: Annabelle David 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 2:13 AM
  Subject: Re: vocd retracings

  Dear Annabelle,

      Without having your exclude.cut file and the transcripts you are using, it is impossible to answer this question definitively.  However, I ran this command on the ne32 directory in the CLAN samples with no problem:

  vocd +t*CHI +r1 +r6 -s at dog *.cha

  So, there is nothing particularly problematic about the +rr1 and +r6

  My guess is that the file you are using has bad markings for [/]  This doesn't look like a file from the CHILDES database.  So, you should make sure the file first passes CHECK.


  On Mar 21, 2007, at 1:41 AM, Annabelle David wrote:

    Dear all

    I wonder if somebody could help me. I am trying to run vocd on some transcripts. But when I run my command on certain files, I get the following message: 

    > vocd +t*P20 +r1 +r6 -s at exclude.cut +fvoc P20AUL13.cha

    Reading exclude file <exclude.cut> 

    retracings not successfully eliminated

    And this is the command I type: vocd +t*P20 +r1 +r6 -s at exclude.cut +fvoc P20AUL13.cha

    It is inconsistent and I can’t seem to work out what the problem is. Is it likely that it is something to do with an error in the coding: i.e. the transcriber has not used the [/] or [//] appropriately? 

    Thanks for your help



    Dr Annabelle David
    Research Associate

    School of Modern Languages

    Old Library building (room 6.30)
    Newcastle University
    Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU


    Tel.: +44 (0)191 222 3909

    Personal page: http://www.ncl.ac.uk/sml/staff/profile/annabelle.david 
    Project on French Interlanguage Development: http://www.flloc.soton.ac.uk/ 

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