sonic mode + windows vista

Leonid Spektor spektor at
Thu Jan 17 19:46:13 UTC 2008


    I have just tried a six minutes long stereo wave file encode with 44,100
Sample Rate and 16 bit Sample Size on our PC Vista machine without any
problems. The media file is 60 MB. Admittedly it is not as large as your
wave file, but CLAN is not designed to load the whole file into memory. So,
unfortunately, my conclusion is that your PC simply needs more memory. Our
Vista machine has 512MB memory installed.


On 17-01-08 12:02, "Isabel Colon" <casa.zaza at> wrote:

> Leonid,
> It's ok !!!! :-)
> I have convert  my wave file in "mono" and all it's ok in Clan !
> So I think that the problem is resolved ;-)
> In the future, it's possible that "stereo" wave file work on Clan
> under Vista... like under XP...
> no ? :-)
> Thank's too for your advices !
> Isabel
> On Jan 16, 9:12 pm, Leonid Spektor <spek... at> wrote:
>> Isabel,
>>     I have tested latest CLAN version on our Vista machine using few of our
>> sample wave files and it worked without any problems. I'd like you to make
>> sure that you have the latest version of CLAN on your vista machine and to
>> test our small sample file. This sample is distributed with CLAN and is
>> located in "childes\clan\lib\samples" folder. The file names are "clip.cha"
>> and "clip.wav". Please try it with either sonic mode or F5 command and let
>> me know if it gives the same problem.
>> Leonid.
>> On 16-01-08 05:44, "Isabel Colon" <casa.z... at> wrote:
>>> hello,
>>> I have install CLAN under windows Vista. I want to align a
>>> transcription with a sound file (.wav). I choose "Sonic Mode", the
>>> sound appear on the bottom of my page. and when I want to select a
>>> part of my sound, I have a window of error that said "out of memory".
>>> And I can't use the sound once again.
>>> I tested with the function "transcribe sound or movie", I have the
>>> same message of error.
>>> I tested with a file .mp3, and there it's ok.
>>> I tested to transcribe a video (.mov), it's ok also.
>>> NB : all format of file (.wav, .mp3 ...) work before under windows XP.
>>> Do you have some informations or advices to explain this problem ?
>>> Thank you for your help.
>>> Isabel Colon
> > 

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