Timedur vs. Recorded Time

Zeynep Koylu zeynepersin at mail.usf.edu
Fri Jul 1 09:45:44 UTC 2016

Dear Chibolt,

I have a question about timedur. When I run the command, I see that the 
duration determined by timedur on the excel sheet is different than the 
recorded time of spoken data. For instance, one participant talks for 63 
seconds however in timedur report it is indicated as 54 seconds. It is also 
not the time excluding pauses as I also mark silent and filled pauses 
(e.g., 63 seconds talk and 11 seconds of total pause). I have been marking 
each AS-unit manually using the waveform and I do not think that this 
difference is caused by AS-unit boundaries either. Word count is also 
different than freq but I assume this is because timedur counts repeated, 
retraced, and reformulated words as well. AS I have to calculate 
word/minute to determine speech rate I need your help about which "time" I 
need to use.

Thanks in advance for your kind replies.


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