Using .cut files

Leonid Spektor spektor at
Thu Jan 9 21:37:58 UTC 2020


	Could you please email to me directly one of the data files and filename.cut files used with +s at filename.cut <mailto:s at filename.cut> option. One filename.cut file that includes only desired SCA codes and one filename.cut file that includes desired SCA codes plus all possible RES codes. The behavior of +s$* option should be the same as +s at filename.cut option. I need to take a closer look at why you get different results. 


> On Jan 9, 2020, at 15:28, Adrienne De Froy <adriennedefroy at> wrote:
> We are trying to determine how parents respond to children based on what behaviors the child uses to communicate. When the child communicates, the CHI line has a dependent tier (SCA) indicating child behavior and the MOT line has a dependent tier (RES) indicating the parent’s response. We are trying to use CLAN to pull the CHI lines with desired SCA codes designated in a .cut file and the corresponding MOT/RES lines (in other words, we are trying to use the .cut file to limit the what SCA codes are returned).
> Using:
> kwal +t*chi +t%xsca +t*MOT  +t%xres +s$* +d2 +re *b*.cha
> successfully pulls all CHI lines that have an SCA code and their corresponding MOT lines/RES codes. I run into difficulty when using the following to add the .cut file:
> kwal +t*chi +t*MOT +t%xsca +t%xres +s at filename.cut +d2 +re *b*.cha
> Specifically, one of two cases occurs:
> If I include only desired SCA codes in the .cut file, the output only provides CHI/SCA lines without corresponding MOT or RES tiers.
> If I include desired SCA codes plus all possible RES codes in the .cut file, the output still provides the correct CHI/SCA tiers from the .cut file but also provides all MOT and RES lines.
> Is there a way to pull only the CHI lines with the desired SCA code plus the corresponding MOT/RES tiers, without also pulling unnecessary MOT/RES lines?
> Adrienne De Froy
> PhD Student, Communication Sciences and Disorders
> University of Texas at Dallas
> -- 
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