[External] Re: FREQ outputs in long format

Alcock, Katie k.j.alcock at lancaster.ac.uk
Tue Sep 26 16:55:11 UTC 2023

I have achieved this via Excel as Yvan says:
Paste into Excel (Paste Special, using the Transpose option).
It will probably paste all into one column so then I do
Data – Text to Columns (usually Fixed format works better than Delimited, but Delimited with Spaces as delimiter sometimes works).


Dr Katie Alcock, DPhil, CPsychol

Department of Psychology,
Fylde College
Lancaster University
Please note working pattern: Monday through Thursday. I am unavailable on Fridays, and I am currently at Stanford so am unlikely to answer emails during UK working hours.

Out now: UK Communicative Development Inventories (Words and Gestures)

From: chibolts at googlegroups.com <chibolts at googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Rose, Yvan
Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 9:18 AM
To: chibolts at googlegroups.com
Subject: [External] Re: FREQ outputs in long format

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Hi Mits,
I believe that a basic 'transpose' operation in the spreadsheet of your choice would address this issue. Please send me a personal message if you want  more input about this.

Kind regards,

On Sep 8, 2023, at 1:22 PM, Mits Ota <mits at ling.ed.ac.uk<mailto:mits at ling.ed.ac.uk>> wrote:

Hi Leonid,

Thanks for the reply. I suspect that much; otherwise I would have expected to see a relevant option already available on CLAN :-). I don't have enough XML skills to wirte a utility, so for now I'm just going to reshape the current output format on R, but it would be nice to have that option in CLAN in the future if the powers to be are willing to give their blessing.



On Friday, September 8, 2023 at 4:10:26 PM UTC+1 Leonid Spektor wrote:
Hi Mits,

There is no way to reformat FREQ output the way you want it right now. FREQ can be changed fairly easily to produce this kind of output, but this would have to be approved by the powers that be.
The other alternative is for someone else to write a utility to reformat FREQ spreadsheet output the way you want it. The FREQ spreadsheet output is in XML format, so it should be easy to do.


On Sep 8, 2023, at 10:39, Mits Ota <mi... at ling.ed.ac.uk> wrote:

Dear chibolts,

Does anyone know how to send out FREQ outputs in a long spreadsheet format? By default, spreadsheet outputs of FREQ come out in a wide format with speakers in rows but words across columns, like this:

     apple  banana coconut
MOT    4       3      0
FAT     2       0      19

I would like to obtain spreadsheet outputs for FREQ in which each row is a unique entry defined by the filename, speaker, word, and its frequency (like KWAL spreadsheet output):

File  Code  Word  Count
abc01 MOT   apple    4
abc01 MOT   banana   3
abc01 FAT   apple    2
abc01 FAT   coconut  19

Any advice is welcome! Thanks.

Mits Ota

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