<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br>I'm trying to analyse our corpus of Welsh linguistic data which has been coded using CHAT. The corpus has multiple secondary tiers, and one of them is called %aut ('autoglossed tier') , which details word-by-word morphological glossing for each item in the main tier.<br><br>I want to use the KWAL command in CLAN to find certain items in the %aut tier, namely (at the moment) to find pronouns. The aim is to then extract the data from the relevant main tier, so
that I have collated all tokens of that pronoun from a given set of
data. These pronouns have been glossed in %aut in the format e.g. your.ADJ.POSS.2S for a 2nd person singular pronoun. My assumption was that a command such as the following would find all items matching the search string in the %aut tier in (e.g.) the file called davies2ag.cha:<br><br>kwal +t%aut +syour.ADJ.POSS.2S davies1ag.cha<br><br>However, this gives no results - even though I know there are instances of this token in that transcript. If you search for just +syour , for example, it finds those results (but cannot disambiguate between 2nd singular and plural forms, among other issues). I assume the problem is presence of the periods/full stops in the %aut tier. <br><br>I have tried using "" around the search string, I have tried to replace the stops with * and _ and ^_^, and I have also tried using COMBO instead of KWAL, but nothing helps. It says no items found. <br><br>I assume that there is an obvious answer that my very limited knowledge of coding is keeping from me, but if anyone can assist I would be hugely grateful!<br><br>I can supply more details as required.<br><br>Many thanks,<br><br>Peredur Webb-Davies<br><br>PS For info, here is a weblink to an example of a transcript, to show how it has been glossed etc.: http://bangortalk.org.uk/chats/siarad/davies2.cha <br><br></div>
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