Native American Films at Portland CC

Lisa Peppan lisapeppan at JUNO.COM
Sat Apr 3 16:13:05 UTC 1999

On Thu, 1 Apr 1999 Mike Cleven <ironmtn at BIGFOOT.COM> writes:

>>April 30 Clearcut

>I'm not sure, but I think "Clearcut" is about the Gitksan, Nisga'a or
another BC First >Nation in confrontation with the expansion of clearcut
logging in their traditional >territory.  If it's what I think it is,
it's probably very good.

Ah, yes <fond smile>  "Clearcut"  ... I have a copy of it, mostly because
it has Graham Green in it.  A while back, a friend asked me if I'd ever
seen it and loaned me his copy, cautioning me that it was a "pretty
intense flick" in spots.  It is.  His copy now lives in my film library.

It's about a contemporary confrontation between First Nation and clearcut
logging conglomerate (I missed which nation, just that it was up in BC),
and the beleaguered young non-First Nation attorney representing the
First Nation folk who had more enthusiasm than experience and thus was
unable to help his clients like he had hoped he could -- I do believe
that the CLG wanted to run an logging access road through treaty granted
traditional territory.

Dabney Whats-his-name (who played the opoots boss in "9 to 5") plays the
head guy of the logging conglomerate, and plays the part *wonderfully*.
A couple of times, I wanted to reach through the screen and just punch

One of the first things that struck me the first time I saw the movie is
that the character that Graham Green plays comes across more like a
manifestation of Raven(/Coyote) than a "real" person -- after watching it
a few more times, I'm more inclined to think that Green's character is no
mortal being.

Most of the movie centers on the activities of these three men and I
don't think I can say much more without spoiling the movie for those who
haven't seen it -- yet -- other than I found myself needing very badly to
breathe at the end.   <G>

There are dark moments, bright moments,  surreal moments, black humor,
and an outcome that has given me cause to be cautious in not only *what*
I wish for, but how loudly I wish . . . you never know who's listening.

Lisa Peppan
Edmonds WA  USA
lisapeppan at
Genealogy Research at

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