CJ use among Interior Salish ...was... Re: CJ phonemes

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Wed Apr 14 02:44:39 UTC 1999

Lush tEnEs-pulakli!

Sally ya-wawa that she doesn't think Interior Salish speakers were
necessarily major users of Chinook Jargon.  I agree, and simply want to
refine the point:  Certain Northern Interior Salishan speakers i.e. among
the Shuswap, Thompson and Okanagan must have known CJ quite well, because
they heard sermons in it regularly and at one point created quite the
fashion of reading and writing CJ in the Duployan shorthand.

Southern Interior Salishans i.e. the Moses-Columbia, Coeur d'Alene, and
Spokane-Kalispel-Montana-Flathead-Pend d'Oreille, as a rule apparently
knew much less CJ.

The extent of knowledge of the Jargon among the Northerners sorta remains
to be figured out.


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