
Jeffrey Kopp jeffkopp at USWEST.NET
Mon Dec 20 21:33:39 UTC 1999

On Sun, 19 Dec 1999 17:19:00 -0500, Linda Fink <linda at FINK.COM>

>Has anyone read the article on diffusionism in the Jan. 2000 issue of
>Atlantic Monthly? If so, any comments?

Yes, I did.  The article has more to do with the problem of the
resistance to new theories or ideas in archeo and anthro academia
than with the issues relating to various prehistoric Americas
settlement scenarios.  From that standpoint it was quite interesting.

I dunno enough about the anthropology involved to have much of an
opinion myself.  Anyway, your comments first, please!  (Are you
trolling us, Linda?)

The Atlantic posts their articles on-line about a month after the
printed issues go out.  So for those of you who aren't subscribers or
might not be able to snag a copy, look for it on their Web site in
about three weeks.

For example, last month's issue had an article called "On the Rez"
about the Pine Ridge, which can now be seen at

I didn't mention it when it appeared in print, as it is kind of
unflattering and not terribly relevant to us.  It's mostly a personal
reminiscence, focusing on a close personal friend of the author's who
was shattered by several personal tragedies and has a severe drinking
problem.  But later on it does give something of an overview of the
reservation's current situation, a description of the area's
remarkable geography, and the reservation's improving relations with
their neighboring towns.



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