kaltash 'mayina wawa' (idle poetry)

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Mon May 10 06:46:56 UTC 1999

A lonely canoe gliding hither and there--
	The drip of its paddles flash bright in the air;
The monotonous chant of the Duke of York's crew;
	Returned from a Potlatch, with Ictas all new.

The Potlatch itself, what happiness there!
	A free hand gave gladly, and all had a share;
Then a Kloqually dance to a weird, stirring tune,
	On a beach by the light of a bright harvest moon.
	--Sayre also

These are from pages 36 and 181, respectively, of "By Juan de Fuca's
Strait:  Pioneering Along the Northwestern Edge of the Continent" by James
G. McCurdy, published in Portland, Oregon, by Metropolitan Press in 1937.


How many of you know who the Duke of York was?  (That'll be this week's
quiz question.)

Best from

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